NIH Summer Internship Program Question

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Feb 10, 2011
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I applied for the NIH SIP program and I've been contacted by three P.I.'s so far. I have interviewed for two of them so far -- the first one chose someone else and I'm waiting to hear back from the second. I just heard from another one today who's located in Frederick Maryland. I was really hoping to get a lab located in the Bethesda/D.C. area but I know this is a good opportunity. Still, I'm wondering if it's still early enough that I can turn him down and wait for another offer? I'm also waiting to hear back from other programs I've applied to but I may not know for a while.

What do you think I should do?

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Hi GreenTee,

I find it strange that you had to interview. I received an email from a PI at NIDA last year and it was basically "Hi, I have a spot for you, would you like to work here?" and that was it.

In your case, since they are interviewing you, I wouldn't turn anyone down. NIH Summer Internships are increasingly difficult to get (last year it was an 18% acceptance rate).

I suggest emailing the *second* PI - with whom you interviewed - and letting him know that you have a third PI waiting. If you'd rather work with the second PI, be frank about it. He/She may sway in your favor if he/she knows that you're a coveted resource.
Hi GreenTee,

I find it strange that you had to interview. I received an email from a PI at NIDA last year and it was basically "Hi, I have a spot for you, would you like to work here?" and that was it.

In your case, since they are interviewing you, I wouldn't turn anyone down. NIH Summer Internships are increasingly difficult to get (last year it was an 18% acceptance rate).

I suggest emailing the *second* PI - with whom you interviewed - and letting him know that you have a third PI waiting. If you'd rather work with the second PI, be frank about it. He/She may sway in your favor if he/she knows that you're a coveted resource.

This is really good advice
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Thanks for the advice, though the 2nd PI just informed me that he chose someone else :( I guess I'll try to contact professors then, since the 3rd PI hasn't responded to my e-mail.
I would also just contact PIs that you are interested in working with--a lot of PIs browse the application database but some just wait to see who is interested in working with them. Worst case is they don't hire you, best case is they are interested bc you are interested and you get more interviews and maybe a spot.
Frederick isn't too far from DC, and from my understanding that is where the NCI is (or at least a lot of their labs). Cancer is one of the coolest diseases imaginable, and it may be a terrific opportunity. I would not turn down that opportunity Just be honest with all of your potential PIs. I would think long and hard about turning down an awesome research experience because of a slightly inconvenient location. Granted, unless there is a serious issue, like transporation, that could prevent you from working in the boonies of Maryland.

FWIW, I am waiting for my second LOR to be submitted for this program. Damn u slow poke profesors:boom:

I figured my odds of landing a position at this point don't look good :(
Oh well, maybe the NIEHS, all the way lost in the woods of NC, isn't quite as competitive?
Yeah I'll definitely start shooting e-mails and hope the third professor gets back to me.

Per chance, does anyone happen to know if P.I.s tend to contact people in march to may? Or are most positions gone by now?