non interventional pain

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Jul 17, 2005
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Hi everyone,
I hope all is well. I am an MS4 at a US Medical school and recently completed a rotation at an interventional pain clinic and just finished looking at the painrounds website and was wondering whether it is possible to get into a noninterventional pain fellowship through anesthesiology, and if not, which specialty one should persue if interested in doing non interventional pain? I would be grateful for any input. Thanks .

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drusso said:
Psychiatry and neurology has fellowships that tend to be more "multidisciplinary" in nature. Look for programs with a strong emphasis on pain rehabilitation.
The terms multidiciplinary and interdiciplinary sound like the should mean the same thing, and different legitimate clinics call their effort by either name.

On the other hand, a large majority of medico-legal mills have all but co-opted the term multidiciplinary to the point where it now has pejoritive conotations. While there are clearly legit and illegit multidicplinary programs, best to look for inter-, rather than multi-, when investigating the most upstanding members of the field.
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paz5559 said:
The terms multidiciplinary and interdiciplinary sound like the should mean the same thing, and different legitimate clinics call their effort by either name.

On the other hand, a large majority of medico-legal mills have all but co-opted the term multidiciplinary to the point where it now has pejoritive conotations. While there are clearly legit and illegit multidicplinary programs, best to look for inter-, rather than multi-, when investigating the most upstanding members of the field.

I think the Ohio State University has two programs... one interventional and one mostly medical management / palliative care. I cant be sure, but I recall something like that.
PainPhysicians said:
I think the Ohio State University has two programs... one interventional and one mostly medical management / palliative care. I cant be sure, but I recall something like that.

PALLIATIVE care......those are key words for what you may be looking for.
