Non-Science Majors and Research

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Jul 26, 2003
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I was wondering for those who are not majoring in a science, what did Med Schools think of Research and Research publications in area's outside of science.

I'm working on research in public health and i've also worked on research in linguistics. but i'm wondering if i should just go ahead and try to get into some of the biomed research programs in my college b/cause i heard that if you don't have any type of scientific research it is a negative for your application.

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not having scientific research is not a disadvantage. i had no scientific research and have been accepted to multiple schools. of course my lack of research was substituted by my large devotion to volunteering and work...

i did non scientific research (korean studies) and for the people that did bring it up we had good conversations about it.
i think if you were passionate about what you did, it doesn't have to be all about science, bio...kind of stuff. what was you major by the way?

hey jlee, what kind of korean studies research was that? it sounds like it was something interesting!!!
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Having no science research experience cannot hurt you significantly unless you want to do MSTP or MD/MS. But having the experience can only help you, I think. I did research in psych and neurobio. I was asked about both at my interviews.

For people w/o any research experience, I suggest getting some b/c some schools ask you about your research experience on their secondaries.
Originally posted by yayme
i think if you were passionate about what you did, it doesn't have to be all about science, bio...kind of stuff. what was you major by the way?

hey jlee, what kind of korean studies research was that? it sounds like it was something interesting!!!

I'm doing an English/French major. But anyway, I was going to major in Bio but I was just like - every one else is going to be majoring in bio so I might as well as study something else as an undergrad. it was a tough decision though, but i knew that i would hopefully be working in medicine postgraduation so this was my one chance to pursue what i would otherwise not learn in med school. That doesn't mean i'm not interested in scientific research though - i still am interested in biomedical engineering etc. but i find that due to my non-science major it is difficult to get any sort of research positions at all. it is very difficult. i mean, especially some of the summer research programs, most require a science major or don't give you much consideration. i even contacted some labs where i am and didn't have much luck. and i also contacted an advisor and he told me that if i wasn't a science major i didn't have much of a chance or any priority in being placed anywhere.

jlee congrats on the acceptances. but did you major in a science? do you think that might have had an affect?