NOVA Dental Issues Update? (2020)

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I have been hearing a lot of negative things about NOVA Dental School's program as far as the administration, the patient pool etc.
I take everything I read on here with a grain of salt, but when current students or recent grads are posting about stuff like this... I'm a little apprehensive.
Have there been any updates on whether the school is addressing these issues? Is it really as bad as what people make it out to be?
I am interested in specializing, so I'm really trying to take everything into account here.

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Bump. Because I really would like to know this as well. This is one of the only schools I hear negative "rumors" about.
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Let me preface this by saying I got waitlisted and ultimately rejected from Nova last week.

Nova has that reputation for a reason. I went to the university right down the street and also worked in a clinic they send students to for certain rotations. The students that would come in were honestly not that skilled. Some of the doctors that graduated from Nova and would come in and volunteer were great, but for some reason the students just were lacking.

Nova also just kind of blows off the whole HIV and cheating thing like it was nothing despite it affecting how all of their clinics operated. They seem to still have that attitude seeing as how they have no problem doing in person interviews in a part of Florida that is a hotspot.

The sim clinic is lacking and run down, though it does have some newer equipment that I've only seen at one other school. The campus is a mess to deal with and you constantly fight for parking since everything is all on one campus. They don't even tell you what the cost of attendance is during the interview or really anything about the school. I still have no clue how much that school costs currently.

Interview is super weird and from what I can tell unless you get interviewed by Lippman your chances of getting in are drastically reduced even though he isn't the dean anymore.

Nova is very much into themselves and if you don't exhibit that same attitude about Nova then they will not want you. They want to be the only school you apply to which is why they give you that supplemental asking where all you have applied. I believe this is why they almost always accept mostly Nova undergrad students.
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Let me preface this by saying I got waitlisted and ultimately rejected from Nova last week.

Nova has that reputation for a reason. I went to the university right down the street and also worked in a clinic they send students to for certain rotations. The students that would come in were honestly not that skilled. Some of the doctors that graduated from Nova and would come in and volunteer were great, but for some reason the students just were lacking.

Nova also just kind of blows off the whole HIV and cheating thing like it was nothing despite it affecting how all of their clinics operated. They seem to still have that attitude seeing as how they have no problem doing in person interviews in a part of Florida that is a hotspot.

The sim clinic is lacking and run down, though it does have some newer equipment that I've only seen at one other school. The campus is a mess to deal with and you constantly fight for parking since everything is all on one campus. They don't even tell you what the cost of attendance is during the interview or really anything about the school. I still have no clue how much that school costs currently.

Interview is super weird and from what I can tell unless you get interviewed by Lippman your chances of getting in are drastically reduced even though he isn't the dean anymore.

Nova is very much into themselves and if you don't exhibit that same attitude about Nova then they will not want you. They want to be the only school you apply to which is why they give you that supplemental asking where all you have applied. I believe this is why they almost always accept mostly Nova undergrad students.
Thank you! Hmm.. that's interesting and definitely something to consider. Are schools already sending out acceptances and stuff? I was under the impression that doesn't come out until some time in December.
Thank you! Hmm.. that's interesting and definitely something to consider. Are schools already sending out acceptances and stuff? I was under the impression that doesn't come out until some time in December.
No. I applied last cycle. They finally just got around to sending out rejections for those on the waitlist.
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They can't send out acceptance until December 1st.
Is it Dec 1st this cycle? I thought it was later.
OPE googled it and it is December 15th. Nice call