Now, how to pay for it. (UNECOM)

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Aug 24, 1999
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Well my friends, as the excitement of my acceptance to UNECOM begins to subside, questions arise.

Mmm, how will I afford this? For any UNECOM students out there, what's the situation? Will I be able to get loan money to cover apt, food, books, laptop, etc? I have only briefly spoken with the financial aid office. I plan on calling them in the morning.

What loans are most people using at UNECOM? Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thanks again.


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Hi Josh! I'm a first year at UNE. Don't worry -- there is plenty of loan money to be had. You will get all the necessary paperwork from financial aid in good time. Enjoy your summer!!!

Josh, I've been dealing with that dilema lately too. I applied for a NHSC scholarship and now found out I won't know if I get it until late september, how am I to pay my bills before then? I guess it will all work out somehow, I am supposed to hear from the financial aid office soon.

Dear Poster,

Relax....Uncle Stadford is a kind, kind man. If you borrow too much you can save/invest the rest...if you borrow too little you can always get more. Make a budget and add some cash for unexpected expenses. Drop me a line with any other questions.

UNECOM class of 2003