NSUCOM Class of 2006!

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Hello, I will be going to Nova next fall (summer). I'm very excited, and can't wait for the next seven months to go by... Anyone else out there who has made up their mind about this great school? :)

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I too am very excited about NOVA. I interviewed there last week and was impressed! I hope to see you in August.

I've been waiting and waiting for you to start this post! BTW, I'm think there will be a committment from me very soon....

Did you send in the deposit yet???

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Does this mean we have lost you for next year?
B- YES! I sent my deposit last week - but then I went on vacation and didn't want to start the post until I got back (in case it was expired or something while I was away). I'm so excited. Plus I just got back from Hawaii (boyfriend had conference there) and the weather was so beautiful - I just kept thinking about how similar Florida weather will be. I just can't wait for the next seven months to go by!

Let me know when you send your deposit (so I know that you've decided for sure!). I can't wait to meet you! :)
I am a NOVA undergrad and are now applying to the NSUCOM. I have had several classes there and seen a lot of it. I think it is one of the best DO schools regarding the professors, curriculum, Doctors and their style of teaching. I know several people who already attend the program and they say that they made the best choice. I had truble with my app so i still did not interview. All Who did please write about your experience. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
DocA- if you've checked out interviewfeedback.com, it pretty much sums up most people's experiences. I had a great interview, although Dr Terry was not there that day, so all of us applicants were relieved. (From what people say, he's not that bad though). It was a very relaxed conversational interview. I found my entire experience at Nova to be amazing and I also loved the programs, etc.. which is why I chose it over five other schools. I just felt that I would get the best education and experience there.

Where do you live - off campus or on? How do you like the Ft Lauderdale area? How bad is the traffic? I'm like most who have decided where they're going next year, I just can't wait for it to get here! :) Well, definitely keep us updated, I hope you get your interview! :D
I found out from NOVA I was accepted today. Now I'm having trouble deciding between KCOM and NOVA. Palcaregrl weren't you looking for a place that takes large dogs too? Maybe that was someone else. Anyway, if NOVA had kirksville's curriculum and board pass rates and still had HARVEY and a beach there would be no question. And in case there are current NOVA students reading; Do you have a class in your curriculum that teaches suturing etc. like KCOM does?
Slingblade- Congratulations! :D Yes, my boyfriend's large dog may be moving with us, but if they come, then we'll probably rent a house and not an apartment (so the dog can have a yard, etc...). I haven't looked too much into housing yet. Anyway, sorry I can't help you weigh the pros and cons as I didn't apply to KCOM... best of luck in making your decision, and if you need some persuasion about Nova, let me know (I was told right after my interview that I should advertise for them because I kept saying good things about the school). :)
Yes, NSU-COM does have classes in suturing. Come on give the school some credit, they're not going to let you go into your rotations with NO clinical experience! (BTW, in case you were wondering, you get to practice pelvic/prostate and any other exam you ever need to know too). You also get to spend afternoons early on in yoru experience so you get some clinical experience, but it is a crapshoot, sometimes you get a bad clinician adn your semester can suck. (So next year if that happens, just try to switch it early on). Anyways,

Ft. Lauderdale: The traffic sucks. I grew up in the DC metro area which has teh 2nd worst traffic in the nation adn I sometimes thought Ft. Laud sucked worse. But if you live next to the campus (like I did at Cedar Key), you never have to worry about it. You have a three minute walk to class. In fact, my first two years at NSU I put... 8k miles on my car (24 is average). And that's cause I drove up to Tampa often.

And I have a suggestion for those who got accepted and are just waiting for medical school to start...
DON'T slack! Its been known that people get their acceptances pulled out for doing bad their last year in college!
ENJOY AND RELAX AND PARTY AND DO EVERYTHING YOU'VE WANTED TO DO before you start. Go out to bars, go party with your college roommates, take tons of pictures, write in your journals... whatever you do, don't just sit there and mark an X on the calender waiting for July to come by. Go travel or visit your long lost relatives. Because once med school starts you only have... 2 months vacation (1 month at end of 1st year and 1 month after step 1) until right before you graduate.
DON'T even THINK about trying to brush up on anatomy/physiology/biochem or whatever. Please, that's just idiotic. You'll learn it in med school. Put that book away and pick up that TV Guide to Survivor.
DO get your apartment in order ASAP. I suggest Cedar Key or SunForest Apt's, they're both within walking distance and about the same price (900 for a 2 br). Poinciana is nice, a little more expensive, but still within walking distance. If you want nicer and a short drive, try Palm Trace.
AND MOST IMPORTANT: If you're still in undergrad, remember the last few weeks of college, go out, party, take pictures, kiss your best friends, and make the best memories of your life.
Good luck next year.
Oh, I've heard from the rumor mill that my class (2003) had an extremely high pass rate... 97%? 98%? I know it wasn't 100% but it wasn't lower than 96%.
Hey Quinnsu,
I wonder how badly you have to do before you would lose your spot for the year. Do you know? I have been stressing for the past two days about a health psych. class that I had to take a test in immediately after returning from my interview circuit. I had no notes or anything and the hag wouldn't let me borrow some and study for even a day. Needless to say I did poorly. I'll probably end up with A's or B+'s in my other 5 classes but a D in there. :mad: What you think...They gonna boot me?
BTW, all my other profs let me reschedule and gave me the opportunity to get notes and study for at least 2 days. And the reason I asked about the suturing thing is that KCOM has a class called surgical techniques and I didn't see such a thing in NOVA's catalog. What I wanted to know was if they teach it to you in a classroom setting on pig knuckles and dead ppl or do they just throw you into a room with a bleeding patient and say OK martha stewart...sew him up! I think it would help the confidence factor to get to sew something dead first, hehehe
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I wouldnt' worry about getting a D in your one class... it wont' effect your med school acceptance. But if you slack in all your classes and get Cs and Ds then i'd worry. We all have "bad' professors... people understand that.

And the NSU class is called "Clinical Procedures"... that's where you learn to suture, cast, pelvic exams, blah blah.
I suspected that might be the class. As for the class, I might try to get special permission to drop the class late anyway to preserve my summa cum laude &lt;= tooting own horn is allowed isn't it?
Hey Slingblade...does this mean that you're coming to Nova next year? :)

I don't envy you, if I was in school right now, I think I would go crazy (trying to study and pay attention, knowing that you're in). I'm just working my butt off right now to pay off all my bills and save some money for the move.... which can't come soon enough.

I don't know if I'll survive this midwestern winter...but knowing it'll be my last for a few years definitely eases the pain. :D
Well PalcareGrl,
I definitely beginning to lean that way. My wife also mentioned earlier that she is leaning that way too. I guess we could be classmates next year!! :p I'm still wondering what to do about housing with the dogs and all. I wonder if you could buy a trailer and then sell it to a snow bird when you leave. I need a place with a yard and a fence and I feel like that may be asking too much for down there (at a reasonable cost). Did you and your boyfriend have any luck locating such a place? Have you gone back down there to check things out? I may take a trip down there one weekend soon to look for housing. Hehehe I found a mobile home (trailer) place down there in a gated community with an active social club and they even have shuffleboard...Too bad I'm not an AARP member! hehe they were selling the tornado magnet for 6500 dollars but I think you gotta be old and retired to buy it. that would be cheap cheap. We are both in our early 30's....Maybe we could pass for old? Heck I might wear special FX makeup to get to pay 6500 one time and then only have to pay utilities the rest of the time. i'm really beginning to stress about this dog thing. :(
I've heard that it will be challenging, but not impossible to find a house with a fenced yard- we want that plus a pool, so we're going for broke. :) We haven't looked yet, we'll probably go down in February or March and if worse comes to worse, we'll probably buy a house (well, he will and I'll get to live in it). Let me know what you find out if you go down there any time soon. There should be apartments that allow pets (and at least one that allows big dogs) so you could always get a six or seven month lease and then look for a house after you move down there (we've considered that too). Well, happy turkey day! :D
Do you think you'll be able to do all 4 years down there then? Are you fluent in espanol? I guess I need to practice up on mine since the 2000 census said that the greater Miami area is 51% other nationalities (I assume mostly cuban) and 49% born in USA and not all of those grew up in an English speaking household b/c as you probably know the US is the 6th largest Spanish speaking county in the world.
Actually, I don't know any Spanish, but I hope to learn some (can we take a class in it?) I'm hoping to stay for all four years, yeah, mainly because I don't like the thought of having to relocate every few months. The stability is part of what made me choose this program, it was very attractive. :)

Maybe you can start some spanish lessons online for me, so I can learn before I move there (so I'll be able to talk to everyone who lives in Florida...).

Have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone on SDN!
As my wife says, All you need to know is Donde esta el bano (Where is the bathroom)
Hi guys,
I don't know about all of you ,but I've live in Florida for 3 years and never had a problem not speaking spanish. Also Davie where the school is is not a spanish speaking area. So don't worry about it.NSU is a great school. regarding dogs, GOOD LUCK!!!
Thanks DocA, you've given me hope, since I think I may end up being unilingual for the rest of my life. :)

Do you mean to say that there aren't ANY places that will let you have a dog, or just that they're harder to find? Thanks again for any info. :D
All of the places I've seen so far only take dogs that are 20lbs or less. That is very distressing. I can' afford to just buy a house b/c I don't have the down payment, etc. and It is very difficult to find someone who is willing to take on the responsibility of two large dogs for a few years while you go off and learn some doctorin'. Not to mention that my wife and I are extremely attached to them as we have no puppies of our own yet. Thats why I mentioned a few weeks ago that we might have to buy a tornado magnet(house trailer) to live in somewhere so we can have a fenced yard. I think they come furnished anyway and we wouldn't have to move our tons of stuff down there. Thats what the snowbirds do...why can't we? Hehehe we could be trailer trash and go on jerry springer. we could even make our own med school trailer park..and have unscrupulous ones standing on the street corner selling old exams in our court (instead of drugs).

Hmmmmm Perhaps I have stumbled upon an investment opportunity. I could buy a piece of property and make a trailer court for med students only like the ones down there for old ppl. And instead of shuffleboard we could have anatomy quizzes! I could sell my house up here and buy the property! Dang I'm gonna be rich!!! I could make my living off med students like everyone else seems to. hehehe
And we could put up a barbed wire prison fenc and call it a "gated community" in the brochures!
Slingblade, you crack me up! :D You are too funny, really...

do our dogs get to wear studded collars in this "gated community"? :)

How many places have you called (just so I know not to bother with them). I haven't had time to even look yet. I'm hoping that the house rental (not buy) option is available because I don't know if my SO wants to buy a house at this point.
Hi PalCareGrl & Slingblade: I am a M1 at NSU and I could not resist but to reply. Some students in our class started a student group we call HOMSA (Hispanic Osteopathic Medical Student Association). One of the projects our student group does is to provide Medical Spanish Lessons. So when you get here, dont worry about the spanish. Also, most of the davie community are english speaking people, but starting in your first semester you will be paired with a physican (family medicine, Internal Medicine, or Pediatrics). These physicans are all over south florida, and how the statistics show, most are of hispanic origin. Trust me when I say you will encounter a patient population that speak spanish.

PalCareGrl my cousin just started NSU law and he is living with his wife at Palm Trace. They have a 40 lb dog. I think there limit is 35, but the complex doesnt have to know about it. If you need more info on this e-mail.

Also, if you guys have any questions about nova or anything, e-mail me. Most importantly for now, enjoy your vacation! I wish I was on vacation right now! Have fun!!!
Well, my wife called them and I'm not sure who all she called. I'll ask her later.

About the dogs. My two are 160lbs and 40lbs, so essentially I will have 200lbs of dog to bring with me so I guess that means I will have to rent 8 apartments with the 25lb weight limit?

That is way cool about the medical spanish! A community college up here has a non-credit Spanish for healthcare workers class. I thought about taking it in the spring.
Likewise, our dog is 80 lbs...so she's too much dog for any of those apartments. :(

All of the realtors we talked to said to wait until about May to look for rental houses, but we want to move at the beginning of July and that just seems like it's cutting it too close for me (if we don't find something, etc...).

I'm really not sure what to do. On the other hand, that Spanish class sounds mucho good (that's my pathetic attempt to be funny) :D
For all of you that have been accepted to Nova, congrats. I was told that I will be interviewing in Jan. If I get accepted to Nova, no questions I will be going there. This anticipation is killing me! It feels like all the time and effort are finally paying off. Look forward to posting the "I got accepted post".
hippuppy- if you have any questions about the interviewing process, just let us know and we'll do our best to help you have the best interview possible! :) Best of luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!
Congrats to all!

For those of you accepted this year and have interviewed or to those who are waiting for the actual inteview, about how long did it take for you to get the interview invite after your secondary was complete??
Hi, my file was complete the second week of August (I believe) and they called to let me know that they were sending my invite around the first week in September.... so only a couple of weeks in between the two. It's very hard to wait, but try to be patient (I know that it's easier said than done). :) best of luck!
Thanks a lot! I still haven't received the card that says my file is complete, however, I spoke with Rogeria about a week ago who said it was complete. Hmmmm, maybe I should call.

Has anyone gotten a letter inviting for an interview or has most everyone gotten a phone call first??

Thanks again!
Didn't you get the post cards in your secondary packet?

They send the post cards back to you verifying that your app is complete.

I never got a phone call from any of them. Only correspondence was by mail, though I did call to find out that I was accepted. She said...well yeah...didn't you get the letter? We mailed it over two weeks ago. So thats how I found out from that one. All my other ones called me, except Des Moines...I haven't heard from them yet. Maybe I should call. Enough rumination. Hehehe

I think the whole process for me was two weeks from complete app till interview and two weeks more to hear acceptance.
Yes, I did receive the card with my secondary. What I am saying is that they haven't mailed it back to me confirming that my application is complete, although Rogeria verbally said it was on the phone last week.

I guess the bottom line is that I just have to continue to wait it out an continue to study for the April MCAT as if I am not getting in. It'll probably make the time fly by!
Hello everyone, I just got accepted on monday.. Hope to see you all there next year!!!

Congrats Mike! :)

Has anyone heard anything from the school since you sent in your deposit? I sent mine about a month ago and i haven't heard a word (although I sent it certified and got my receipt back)??

When will we start getting info on housing and financial aid, etc... ??
I haven't sent my deposit yet, so I didn't expect to get anything yet. When I was down there, a 4th year student talked to our group and said that the financial aid office there is a joke and you will basically have to do everyhing on your own (His words, not mine). He seemed to have a negative view of the school and its organization skills. He said that we would see what he meant when we got to 3rd and 4th year rotations. I didn't have time to go into specifics with him because I had to go interview. Just before he left though, he said, all-in-all its a good school, just be prepared for bad preceptors etc.(Or something to that effect). I think his gripes were mostly with the clinical rotations and the unpaid (therefore unmotivated) clinical instructrs at the hospitals and clinics and the financial aid office.
To get info, I read the catalog a few times, read the minutes of the SGA meetings posted on the two student run web sites, searched for all previous NOVA and NSU posts on here since forever and read them all (took a couple of hours), and talked to people. The problem is that you usually only get to talk to M1's and M2's so you don't get a good feel for everything. Too bad more M3's and M4's don't have time to post on here...they could be very helpful. Especially the straight talking ones.
:D :D :D It's OFFICIAL! My deposit for NOVA Class of 2006 has gone out! :D :D :D

BTW, in case anyone was wondering where I've been for the last few weeks... I wanted to get away from everything for a bit... then make my decision with a very clear head. Worked great!

Liz- my cousin works for a realitor in Ft Lauderdale. If you want, I'll call her and mention your wants/needs...

NSUCOM Class of 2006
(boy, did I get the chills writing that ;) )
Amra- Yippie!! I'm so happy for you (must have been a relief to finally make a decision). I can't wait to meet you! I may take you up on that realty offer, but not at the moment. My SO hasn't given me the final word on whether he's coming with me right away or not (if not I wouldn't need a house for the first year). I will let you know in Jan or Feb, but thanks for the offer. :)

Again- Congrats on your decision (of course I think you made the best choice). :D See you in Florida!

I think I asked you this a few weeks/months ago.. but I don't remember the answer... Are you going back down to FL anytime soon? I'm thinking of heading down over intercession....

Thanks PCG....

When are you all going to start looking for an Apartment or house to live in???


Housing is cheap there compared to where I live in NoVA (Northern Virginia).... Its funny I'm going to NOVA, thats the name of the community college where I live ! :)

I personally would like to live down there for about a month before school starts, so I can get nicely settled...

Brian- I don't think I'll be going down until February or March, because if my S.O. decides to move with me, we will have to rent a house (big dog). I have spoken with several realtors and they said that if we want to rent a house we shouldn't contact them before May. I'm looking to move at the end of June, so I will have about a month to get situated before orientation/school starts... but not looking until May makes me nervous, so I'll probably go down in February for a weekend to check out the areas.

Has anyone talked to Fern about housing? I spoke with her in October and usually she just mails info that's available on their res life website (for off campus housing). She also has the name of a realtor if you're looking to rent or buy a house in the area.

Well, that's my plan- if anyone goes down sooner, please let me know what you find out (esp Slingblade because of the dogs). :)

Did you start getting extra mailings since sending in your deposit?

I am starting to shift focus from getting in-&gt;choosing-&gt;preparing. Wonder if any MS1/2/3 would advise?

A- I haven't heard a peep yet. I sent Rogeria an email yesterday but I haven't heard back from her yet. I'll probably call early next week if I still haven't heard anything. :) Liz

What do you mean?

<img src="confused.gif" border="0">
It was either in the acceptance packet or at the interview that we would receive further information AFTER acceptance. I'm presuming it is information on Financial Aid (fill out your FAFSA - online!), budgeting, things to pack and general stuff like that.

Personally, the more they send, the happier I am! I am finding the more and more exposure I get.. the more and more I love medicine (and medical school)!!!


P.S. :rolleyes: I'm one luv-sick puppy too :rolleyes: