NYtimes: More young women planning to put motherhood over career

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BooMed said:
Well I wouldn't like to be the type of man who sat around watching t.v. while my wife slaved in the kitchen! :laugh:

Wishing for a relationship where both partners share an equal workload has nothing to do with wanting to be a man/woman.
just wondering.....

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Holistic said:
Most women in medicine will have babies and go part time, or quit entirely if their husbands make bank. Sometimes I wonder if most women go to medical school to meet male doctors. I cant imagine going through all that work to secure a doctor as a husband, but the sheer number of female doctors I have seen that marry doctors, have babies, then quit, and then go part time when the kids in school leads me to that conclusion. For all you ladies out there trying to score a doctor, go to nursing school, the end result will be the same, just less work to get there.

haha -- what about those of us who are already married?
(as if anybody would go to med school to get married to a doctor :rolleyes: )
Holistic said:
Most women in medicine will have babies and go part time, or quit entirely if their husbands make bank. Sometimes I wonder if most women go to medical school to meet male doctors. I cant imagine going through all that work to secure a doctor as a husband, but the sheer number of female doctors I have seen that marry doctors, have babies, then quit, and then go part time when the kids in school leads me to that conclusion. For all you ladies out there trying to score a doctor, go to nursing school, the end result will be the same, just less work to get there.

The ^^^ DOES NOT represent the Indian Women whom I have known that have been doctors.

The one female doctor that did stop doing certain types of procedures, only did so due to rising malpractice costs, but she still makes the majority of the money in her household since her hubby is an engineer and more often then not, helps with the business side of things of her practice. One of the other female docs may be married to someone making more money then her, but she still works equally long hours as her male colleagues. The female doc I shadowed also works full time while raising her adopted daughter. She also happens to hold a position as a residency director and associate professor at USF COM.

There are numerous female docs that work full time, and numerous female PhD's in the sciences that work full time as well.
Oh my god, I can't even imagine going to med school just to meet a guy! I mean, med students can be a little... intense. I would not want to marry somebody at all like me! :laugh: