OAT before taking O-Chem?


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Nov 30, 2010
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Has anyone out there taken the OAT before taking Organic Chemistry?

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Has anyone out there taken the OAT before taking Organic Chemistry?

It would be difficult if you hadn't taken any. I would suggest taking at least one class. It also depends on WHERE you took your O-chem class. I pulled a C- in my 1 O-Chem class and scored a 380 on the section.

Get the Kaplan O-chem overview sheet, memorize the reactions and some other tidbits, don't bother trying to teach yourself everything.
It would be difficult if you hadn't taken any. I would suggest taking at least one class. It also depends on WHERE you took your O-chem class. I pulled a C- in my 1 O-Chem class and scored a 380 on the section.

Get the Kaplan O-chem overview sheet, memorize the reactions and some other tidbits, don't bother trying to teach yourself everything.

Personally, it doesn't matter where you took your ochem imo. OChem is fundamental and all memorization.
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Personally, it doesn't matter where you took your ochem imo. OChem is fundamental and all memorization.

You're probably right in a broad sense. I'm just going off my personal fact that I struggled and wanted to commit suicide just to earn a C- and then after seeing how easy the OAT O-Chem was for me I felt that something strange was afoot at the circle K.
Has anyone out there taken the OAT before taking Organic Chemistry?

Don't do ittttttt!!! O-chem...was so different from G-chem, it's not even funny. It's like comparing an octopus with a computer mouse. They're just not the same. Ok, they're a little bit the same, but not enough to do well without having even an introductory course.
Naturally, you would want to take the courses that you will be tested on in the OAT. Don't waste your time, money (It's over 200......), efforts, and face! Schools will see past records, though they say they choose the highest score. I would NOT attempt the OAT without taking Organic first.
I thought about doing the same thing when I was prepping for the OAT but decided at the last minute to push back my OAT date. Looking back on it, I'm really glad I did. I would recommend that you take at least the first O-Chem class before taking the OAT. It'll save you from having to possibly take the OAT twice.