Observation Hours

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2+ Year Member
Jan 19, 2022
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Hello guys,

How many hours should I do in-order to boost my chances to getting into PT school? I have almost 144 hours in outpateint settings. I am currently planning on volunteering at an inpatient facility

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Hello guys,

How many hours should I do in-order to boost my chances to getting into PT school? I have almost 144 hours in outpateint settings. I am currently planning on volunteering at an inpatient facility
I don't know how each school views it but I remember mine not really caring beyond the 80 they require. They did prefer a diversity of settings, so that you have a broader view of physical therapy. That's great if you can get into an IP setting too. If you can get into peds, a SNF, other settings, then that would be helpful but I don't think necessary. It doesn't need to be a lot per setting. I shadowed peds for only 16 hours (I had and have zero interest in peds btw), just enough to at least speak to what it is like.
If you can get a few hours in different settings, that is great. But once you are over 100 hours, it doesn't matter that much, especially during COVID. There are likely other areas that would give you a much bigger boost.
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Hello guys,

How many hours should I do in-order to boost my chances to getting into PT school? I have almost 144 hours in outpateint settings. I am currently planning on volunteering at an inpatient facility
Do 2-4 different settings. 40-50h at each should be enough.