October- November NPTE 2021

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Jan 9, 2019
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Not sure if there is a thread yet, but feeling like the NPTE exam was much harder than I expected!! I was wondering how everyone else is feeling about it? Please post your practice exam scores if you are comfortable (like the past NPTE threads), Thanks and good luck to everyone who still needs to take it!

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SB: 69, 76, 74
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NPTE... ? update- passed

The exam was difficult. It seemed like there was a flow to it once the questions were reviewed x2-x3. unsure of passing as of 11/1. Waiting is tortuous.
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My score was withheld as well. A lot of my classmates and mentors were saying its usually due to a significant increase. Due to this…I thought I may have passed for my 2nd attempt, but it turns out I did not pass. I am still waiting for the score results to be released to see how much my improvement was. I believe the withheld and possibility of a high increase made me too positive thinking I passed, so the affect of failing has been really rough on me. I am still trying to process and day by day its getting a bit more bearable. Anyway, main thing I wanted to ask….anyone here ever had multiple attempts and went right into the next attempt?

Being my scores were withheld and I’m still waiting for my score results, I only have 8 weeks to study for the next attempt…being my 3rd attempt. Does anyone have any insight on what I should do or what they did after their 2nd attempt? I’m so down and unmotivated, how did you get pass these feelings for the next round? At this point I don’t know if I should take the exam in January or April…I believe I may be starting to fear the exam..not sure.

I have a call with Will Crane soon from PT Final Exam, he advised that I still attempt January since April is a long wait and can lead to forgetting information. Any advise would be truly helpful. I have just been feeling at a loss and confused on what my next step would be. Trying to get out of this slump.