Official Internal Medicine Shelf Exam Thread

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i would do uworld i thought mksap was a complete waste of time for the shelf ( it was good for wards) .. i had some ?'s that were quite similar to uworld ( i only did 400 or so of the internal medicine ones but i wish i had done all of them) .. the shelf asks random questions not he common stuff you see on wards

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My shelf is Friday.

Main source: UW. I have about 600q remaining.
Second source: Case files.
If I have time: Pre-test.

We'll see how it all plays out in the end. I've tried to take my time and actually get something out of UW.

I also think going straight for the A-L option questions first might be a smart move. I have a much better chance randomly guessing "B" for a A-E question (20%) versus something like A-L with an exclusion (both can't be "B").
Took it today and it was pretty hard haha. I had only 10 mins to spare after I finished which didn't give much time to go back and re-read the ones I thought were difficult on the first run through.

Read Step Up and did MKSAP 5
Read Step Up again and did all 1490 UW Internal Med questions

The questions seemed similar in difficulty to the UW questions I thought, but we'll see how I do. I was getting low to mid 70%'s towards the end of UW. Will update later...

Update: 81 raw (83rd percentile). Not a 95 like everyone else on here, but not too shabby for my first shelf exam I guess.
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i heard this exam was supposed to be pretty damn hard... but then when i took it 2 days ago i felt it was really easy. Anybody else out there feel like the most recent shelf administration was suspiciously too easy?

im a slow test taker and i usually find myself with barely a few minutes to spare after completing all 100 questions, but this time I had just about 20 minutes free.
I agree it felt much easier then i expected. I finished with about 10 minutes to spare had enough time to review some circled questions. Maybe it was uworld or maybe it was easier then years past, definitely nowhere near as bad as i expected after reading all these posts
Well its all relative... If everyone scores high then the grades will be adjusted accordingly. I thought my exam was pretty tough (took it Oct 2nd), but it was my first shelf so who knows
Got around 8 days left (on inpatient service though).

Did about 300 uworld questions, 1100 left
Did about 50 mksap 4 question, 400 left
Read about 1/3 of case files
Read about 20 pages of step up to medicine

So with about 8 days left, should I go for more uworld questions, or try to finish mksap 4 instead? Shooting for around the average score.
I wanted to save World for Step Kaplan Qbank sufficient for the IM shelf.

how much time are you guys given to take the IM shelf?
How is the Kaplan IM CK book if I combine it with all of UWORLD?
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Anyone have any input on how the MKSAP TEXT is, not just the questions? There is a text that accompanies MKSAP 3. Thanks.
Anyone have any input on how the MKSAP TEXT is, not just the questions? There is a text that accompanies MKSAP 3. Thanks.

I think the text is the exact same thing as the MKSAP computer program just in text form. At least it was with the text and CD that I got
I think the text is the exact same thing as the MKSAP computer program just in text form. At least it was with the text and CD that I got
Thanks. I just realized the second book I have isn't a MKSAP book. It's a different book published by the American College of Physicians. It's the "Essentials" book. It just has a similar binding as the MKSAP (paper cover).
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My God, this thread has been around since I took my shelf exam. I have since taken a lot more shelf exams, all 3 steps and am Board Certified. I guess some things never change.
My God, this thread has been around since I took my shelf exam. I have since taken a lot more shelf exams, all 3 steps and am Board Certified. I guess some things never change.
So what did you use? Did you find it helpful?

... I kid.
I have the same question as NikoNLS8. Any thoughts on using the Kaplan CK IM lecture notes for the shelf, along with a qbank?

I have the same question as NikoNLS8. Any thoughts on using the Kaplan CK IM lecture notes for the shelf, along with a qbank?


This exam sucked ass-- that's all I have to say about it... the vignettes are sooooo long. I thought I had failed it leaving the test.
I just finished this exam. It was hard.

My all the UWORLD questions, then go back and do all the ones you missed. There were several that were basically identical to uworld questions on my shelf. Practice reading the last sentence in the stem (usually the one with the question mark after it)...get in the habit of glancing at this and then quickly at the answers. This will let you know what to look for in the stem, and will sometimes save you from even having to read it. Those extra minutes are huge.
Good luck.
mksap4 is donkey ****

total waste of time
Thanks for the input as it helped me formulate a study plan for this shelf.

I used Step Up to Medicine and read it during the first half of the rotation which was not as busy as the second. We also had a winter break in the middle which provided more time to finish this text. In addition, I answered MKSAP 4 questions throughout the rotation. In the last week, I found an old copy of First Aid to Medicine and quickly read through it. I also looked at about half of Case Files and and spent a day answering Harrison's Review of Medicine questions (extremely hard and esoteric but fun) at the bookstore.

Received score back recently: 95 (raw).

I think the most helpful study material was MKSAP 4 and Step Up, more for review of old concepts than anything novel. The exam had a fair share of esoteric questions that no review source really addressed (perhaps the Harrison's but I didn't have time to go through more than a small percent of it). I think it resembled Step 1 because of its broad range of topics and I'm sure there's a strong correlation between performance on the two.
What were you all scoring on MKSAP questions before taking the shelf? I feel like this is Step 1 qbank all over where I score myself and go "awwwww s#!t!" but don't have a sense of whether MKSAP is comparable or harder than the real thing.
87 Raw
For those in the two month system I think MKSAP 3 or 4 is good for the first month to build a base and be able to function on the wards. Second month use solely World if you have that luxury. Step Up throughout. Red book is too much for the shelf. Pretest and case files seemed decent. That's really all you need to score great. It was the hardest shelf this year and I didn't even end up finishing. Make sure you answer the last q's first, almost looked like gimmes compared to the rest.
87 raw as above.
Step up to Medicine Cover to cover.
UWorld didn't finish all the questions, but did a solid amount for IM.
MKSAP 4 all.
Shelf exams are half luck, if you get the right questions you can do really well.
Has anyone used the Kaplan 2CK IM text to study for the shelf? Have you watched the Kaplan videos? How are these? Also, what about the Goljan or Conrad Fischer Audio that seems to be floating out there?
Has anyone used the Kaplan 2CK IM text to study for the shelf? Have you watched the Kaplan videos? How are these? Also, what about the Goljan or Conrad Fischer Audio that seems to be floating out there?

Does the Conrad Fischer Audio completely cover Internal Medicine or only portions of it?
Score: 94
Resources Used: Step Up To Medicine x1 (Read Cardio, Pulmonary and fluids/electrolytes chapters twice), about 75% of USMLEworld Step 2 internal medicine questions, random glances at Pocket Medicine/Uptodate when in the hospital
Prior rotations completed: Peds, Surgery, Family Medicine

I thought USMLEworld questions were really helpful. One thing I remember about this exam was that the questions were very verbose...speed/efficient reading is a must, and don't get caught up on any one question. Questions themselves were OK.
Any suggestions on how you would go about studying for the IM shelf with 4 weeks? I have 8 weeks of IM, however, at the end of each month we have a shelf test, so that kinda bites in terms of the time-frame for the 1st shelf exam.

Would you mainly do Qs, use case files while on the rotation, and Step Up/Harrison's to consult difficult topics? I'm not sure so need your help, especially if you scored in the 90th percentile or better. But anyone really is welcome to give any and all/advice. Thanks!
Score: 94
Resources Used: Step Up To Medicine x1 (Read Cardio, Pulmonary and fluids/electrolytes chapters twice), about 75% of USMLEworld Step 2 internal medicine questions, random glances at Pocket Medicine/Uptodate when in the hospital
Prior rotations completed: Peds, Surgery, Family Medicine

I thought USMLEworld questions were really helpful. One thing I remember about this exam was that the questions were very verbose...speed/efficient reading is a must, and don't get caught up on any one question. Questions themselves were OK.

Similar approach to me, with identical score.

Used: Step Up x1, MKSAP 4 x2, ~600 Q's in UWorld Step 2 qbank.
Raw Score: 94
Percentile: 99

Second the UWorld questions. MKSAP is great for the bread and butter stuff, but the IM shelf struck me much more like a Step test in that there was a fair share of truly random off the wall questions, which UWorld better encapsulated.
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Used UWorld (all IM questions) + MKSAP 4 (all questions)... didn't get time to redo questions I'd gotten wrong as much as I'd liked.
-UWorld was good, hammers in the important points as always
-I wasn't a fan of MKSAP, it seems a little esoteric. There's definitely shelf oriented material in there, but there's also a lot of low-yield info. (reminds me of pre-test)
-I'd tried Step Up in the beginning, just couldn't get through it so I abandoned it for more efficient uses of my time.
-I read about 1/3 of Case Files while on the wards but never made it through it.

Raw: 86
Percentile: 91

Happy with my score, but probably could have done better. There were questions on there I felt like I just hadn't prepared for despite the volume of practice questions I'd done. I'm guessing step-up would have helped there since it seems like the go-to. I also would have liked some time to repeat the questions I'd gotten wrong (the best way I hammer in stuff).
Used UWorld (all IM questions) + MKSAP 4 (all questions)... didn't get time to redo questions I'd gotten wrong as much as I'd liked.
-UWorld was good, hammers in the important points as always
-I wasn't a fan of MKSAP, it seems a little esoteric. There's definitely shelf oriented material in there, but there's also a lot of low-yield info. (reminds me of pre-test)
-I'd tried Step Up in the beginning, just couldn't get through it so I abandoned it for more efficient uses of my time.
-I read about 1/3 of Case Files while on the wards but never made it through it.

Raw: 86
Percentile: 91

Happy with my score, but probably could have done better. There were questions on there I felt like I just hadn't prepared for despite the volume of practice questions I'd done. I'm guessing step-up would have helped there since it seems like the go-to. I also would have liked some time to repeat the questions I'd gotten wrong (the best way I hammer in stuff).

What topics did you think were not covered in UWorld. How would you feel about devoting your time to doing only UWorld questions? Enough to pass?
What topics did you think were not covered in UWorld. How would you feel about devoting your time to doing only UWorld questions? Enough to pass?

i remember a question where the answers included anthrax... random as hell. would've liked a hint in the stem, something about a postal worker... or a US senator.. etc
Just took the shelf yesterday. That shelf got medieval on my ass. I've never felt so thoroughly raped by an exam.
i wonder if the shelf taken over the last two weeks is the same? I took one last friday and it was tough
90 raw.

Used this site to formulate my plan of attack so you know the drill. UW and Step Up were my primary sources. I didn't touch MK SAP. Used the lil red bible (guess) while on the wards. The break down: UW - completed it, but I had been doing medicine q's during prior rotations as well so I only had like 500 left by the time I started the rotation. Avg was like 65%. Step Up x1.

During the test, time was definitely an issue. Felt confident after it ended but I finished with only seconds to spare so there was no time for checking answers.
Took the Medicine shelf a few months back. Thanks to all for tips.

UWorld (~900 of 1400 questions)
Casefiles (Certain topics)
Step-Up (Cardio and GI Chapters only)

Had a bad test day, sort of psyched myself out a little much and perseverated over questions more than I should have instead of picking an answer and moving on. Also did not finish last 10 questions and marked all C's- unfortunately this did not help because they were mostly matching questions.

Score: 78 raw, <80th percentile (unsure exact)

In retrospect: Should have had a text along with UWorld- could not read any text thoroughly largely because Step-up was too detailed considering the time I had and there was not much new in Casefiles to keep me interested. Also should have just flown through test itself - learnt this the hard way.

Was bummed but knew fairly well where I stood after I walked out of test
Thanks for your input, both here and in the surgery thread. :thumbup:
how long did it take you guys to get your score back?
It seems like the general consensus is that Step up to Medicine is the best single comprehensive text for the IM shelf.

Does anyone have any opinions on First Aid for Medicine?
It seems like the general consensus is that Step up to Medicine is the best single comprehensive text for the IM shelf.

Does anyone have any opinions on First Aid for Medicine?
I checked it out. Doesn't compare to Step-Up to Medicine.
Step up is unquestionably the best clerkship book I found, for any clerkship, the entire year
Ours come in our evaluation which can vary in the time they take to come back. I'm sure the grades are back before the evaluations and the final grades are posted. I've heard that schools get the scores back pretty fast--within a week or two.
You need some more badges, Depakote.
just got my score back
91 raw

I didn't read this thread until after the shelf so I had no idea step up and UW were the best resources. At some point during the clerkship I did the following:

Kaplan Internal med Qs x 2
Pretest x 1.5ish
Case Files x 2

I read Case Files for the second time the day before the exam. I think the resources I used helped me learn medicine very well but didn't really reflect the type of Qs that show up on the Shelf. As I stated in a previous post, I felt like I was getting gang raped by Gitmo inmates during the exam.
how much neuro did you all study for the exam?
also is the length of questions similar to that of uworld?