Official St. Louis University c/o 2009 Thread

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Oct 6, 2004
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So who all are attending SLU this fall??

Lets start networking...

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no one yet??

hey does any one know where you can find 1st year class schedules for slu. couldnt find one on the website.
pakidoc said:
So who all are attending SLU this fall??

Lets start networking...
I am leaning toward SLU at this point, gonna go visit the school in March bc I had a regional interview.
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nervouspremed said:
I am leaning toward SLU at this point, gonna go visit the school in March bc I had a regional interview.

I just got a regional interview too. Do they give you more information about the school since you don't get to see it yet? Where was your regional interview at?
Uegis said:
I just got a regional interview too. Do they give you more information about the school since you don't get to see it yet? Where was your regional interview at?

They don't give you any packet of information on the school at my interview, just a broshure, but you can always ask the interviewer about the school. Mine was at Philly, good luck.
Hey nervouspremed and Uegis,
You should definitely visit slu. Its a great place for med school. I don't remember if I got any packet of info, but you can find everything on their website. Good residency matches, awesome clinical training, facilities and faculty.
why do some people get offered regional interviews?
i live in CA and was not offered a regional interview.
better or worse than going to St. Louis?
tic112 said:
why do some people get offered regional interviews?
i live in CA and was not offered a regional interview.
better or worse than going to St. Louis?
I dont' have the answer to your question, but the regional interview is definitely shorter than my other on-campus interviews. Good luck
tic112 said:
why do some people get offered regional interviews?
i live in CA and was not offered a regional interview.
better or worse than going to St. Louis?

in terms of your admission chances... i donno
but otherwise, its better to go to stl...
check out the city and the campus
Hey Pakidoc, I am thinking of visiting the school, and where would you recommed to stay for the night. I know they have the student-run program, but I dont' have a sleeping bed, so I am thinking about staying at a hotel. What's the cheapest way to get from the Airport to the school? Thx
nervouspremed said:
Hey Pakidoc, I am thinking of visiting the school, and where would you recommed to stay for the night. I know they have the student-run program, but I dont' have a sleeping bed, so I am thinking about staying at a hotel. What's the cheapest way to get from the Airport to the school? Thx

You can take the Metrolink from the airport to the school. It costs about $2 or $3 and it takes about 20-25 minutes. Pretty good deal. If you stay at a hotel, there is one on campus that is owned by SLU. It's called the Water Tower Inn I think. It's a few blocks away from the medical school but there is a shuttle that takes people from the hotel to the medical school and even to the Metrolink station after your interview to get to the airport.
pakidoc said:
in terms of your admission chances... i donno
but otherwise, its better to go to stl...
check out the city and the campus

St. Louis is a great city to visit. The SLU campus is also very pretty. I suggest that you visit the campus sometime before or after your interview if your interview is not in St. Louis. My on-campus interview only lasted until 2, so the day was not all that long as compared with my other interviews.
Just a quick question, I know SLU is a Jesuit school; does that mean that they don't perform abortions/condone stem cell research/etc.?
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Congratulations on your acceptances to SLU med (and good luck to those of you still interviewing)! As a MSI at SLU who had opportunities to go elsewhere, I understand how difficult of a decision some of you have to make, but I also know that I couldn't be happier with my choice. My advice is to just follow your heart (total cheese I know)

I noticed a question about the first year schedule...

here's a link to the overview of the first year curriculum (what they hopefully gave you in the interview)....
here's a link to this years class schedule....

And as for being a Jesuit institution, yes that means that you are not taught abortion procedures third year. Although the Catholic church opposes stem cell research (I think), as an academic institution the debate is open here. Some researchers/physicians you talk to oppose it, others support it (isn't that how it is across most of the nation?) Other than not being taught abortion procedures, there isn't any impact on your education - just the environment you are in. Not that everyone is Catholic, or Christian, but it is just a more supportive and encouraging environment (in my humble opinion).

If you have any more questions about SLU, I'll try to answer when I have time!

Again congrats and good luck!
for those of you who have heard back - how long did it take, post-interview, for SLU to get back to you with a decision? i had a regional interview, and they didn't give me any info on that. oh and do they reject some people post interview or just waitlist everyone who doesn't get accepted?
Has anyone interviewed at SLU with Dr. Shoemaker ? I have one coming up and was curious if the SLU SDN'ers had any experiences with this interviewer.
Thanks & congrats to those accepted, good luck to those still interviewing
sunUCB said:
for those of you who have heard back - how long did it take, post-interview, for SLU to get back to you with a decision? i had a regional interview, and they didn't give me any info on that. oh and do they reject some people post interview or just waitlist everyone who doesn't get accepted?

I interviewed late October and didn't get my acceptance until January; this was primarily due to my interviewer being on sabbatical until January in Philadelphia and having to get back to SLU in January to present my file. I guess it kind of depends on when your regional interviewer gets to the Adcom? :confused:
Thx all, I am Water Tower Inn sounds good.
SunUCB-It took them 3 monthes to get back to me, bc mine was a regional interview, and that person didnt' go back to SLU until 2 monthes later. Good luck
icecream4me did you interview with Dr. Furman?
I interviewed with Dr. Furman too in San Francisco. Very nice lady!
Beanie said:
Congratulations on your acceptances to SLU med (and good luck to those of you still interviewing)! As a MSI at SLU who had opportunities to go elsewhere, I understand how difficult of a decision some of you have to make, but I also know that I couldn't be happier with my choice. My advice is to just follow your heart (total cheese I know)

I noticed a question about the first year schedule...

here's a link to the overview of the first year curriculum (what they hopefully gave you in the interview)....
here's a link to this years class schedule....

And as for being a Jesuit institution, yes that means that you are not taught abortion procedures third year. Although the Catholic church opposes stem cell research (I think), as an academic institution the debate is open here. Some researchers/physicians you talk to oppose it, others support it (isn't that how it is across most of the nation?) Other than not being taught abortion procedures, there isn't any impact on your education - just the environment you are in. Not that everyone is Catholic, or Christian, but it is just a more supportive and encouraging environment (in my humble opinion).

If you have any more questions about SLU, I'll try to answer when I have time!

Again congrats and good luck!

Thanks for answering my question regarding the class schedules

Good luck with your applications & interviews folks!
Anybody know when does the day end with an on-campus interview?
I had my interview early morning... my day ended after lunch, ie, at 1:30
However, some had their interview as late as 3:30. So it depends on when your interview is
I think it depends on when your interview is scheduled. Mine is at 3:30 pm so I got a 6:30 plane ticket, hopefully I don't get burned assuming my interview will end by 5-ish.
Kazema said:
I think it depends on when your interview is scheduled. Mine is at 3:30 pm so I got a 6:30 plane ticket, hopefully I don't get burned assuming my interview will end by 5-ish.

i do know someone who had a 3pm interview which lasted 1:15 hrs... so yeah keep that in mind
pakidoc said:
i do know someone who had a 3pm interview which lasted 1:15 hrs... so yeah keep that in mind

Yeah I am worried about that, but 6:30 was the latest flight I could find for that day. And I have to work the next day. Hopefully Dr. Willmore won't get offended if I tell him I really have to leave :laugh:
pakidoc said:
Hey nervouspremed and Uegis,
You should definitely visit slu. Its a great place for med school. I don't remember if I got any packet of info, but you can find everything on their website. Good residency matches, awesome clinical training, facilities and faculty.

I also had a regional interview, in Los Angeles. Got in too. Could you tell me more about the awesome training. I've read on the interview feedback that the city can be scary? Any other info would be great too. :oops:
Kazema said:
Yeah I am worried about that, but 6:30 was the latest flight I could find for that day. And I have to work the next day. Hopefully Dr. Willmore won't get offended if I tell him I really have to leave :laugh:

Hi! I'm the one who pakidoc knows to have had a 3:00 pm interview that went past 4:00 pm. I believe it was like 4:10 pm when I got out. The actual interview day itself, i.e. tour, lunch, talk with medical students etc, ended around 1:00 pm, so I had two hours with absolutely nothing to do but sit in a dingy yellow conference room staring at the ceiling. I interviewed with Dr. Westerman, who according to the admissions staff, is known to give looong interviews. He was very nice, and I'm sure if I had told him I had to get out of there, he'd have obliged. My flight was at 6:50 pm, and I made it just fine. I had to be at work the next day too -- bright and early at 7:30 am, :laugh:

Good luck on your interview! :D You'll rock!
Thanks for the info Ambs!

Leaving for St Louie tomorry :)
Kazema said:
Thanks for the info Ambs!

Leaving for St Louie tomorry :)

Same experience as Ambs, except I think mine ran till 4:20.
Hmmm mine was only 20 mins, short and sweet. Mostly standard questions (why med, why slu, ECs, strengths/weaknesses etc). Overall very conversational. I guess it depends on the interviewer you get.

Hey Ambs, have you decided yet?
Just got back from St. Louis. I absolutely loved the school and the city but I can't really explain why. It just felt right to me. Can't explain it.

Dean Willmore is definitely a very laid-back interviewer. But so laid-back that I started to feel a bit paranoid that he wasn't really interested in interviewing me. After my interview (short one, 30 minutes) I kept thinking, "Oh, I should've said this," or "Oh damn I forgot to say this." Now I'm all anxious about this school; I have to say that I'm surprised by how much I liked it.

I can't help feeling that I screwed up but I don't know if I'm just being ridiculous. Probably because my other interviews have all been like an hour long. And I walked out of those feeling really confident about how I did and not so much here. Guess all I can do is wait and hope ;).
Congrats all going to SLU... it is a great school. I'm a STL native, so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me (lurking from the pharm boards). STL is like a really big small town... everyone is somehow linked to everyone else... it's actually a pretty cool atmosphere.
Anyway, best of luck!!
I would say the curriculum here at SLU is the best thing about the med school. We use block scheduling here and have 2 classes going on at the once during the first year and 1 system at a time second year. One makes it great is that there isn't a test every week. Probably more like every 3 weeks, but sometimes on Saturdays. You would be surprised how many of my other med school friends complain about having a test every week with no end in sight. If you have questions let me know.
I had Dr. Willmore too. I too felt that. He has written a book on interviewing for medical school (I later heard) and he's known for taking an unconventional approach to interviewing. He really wants to get to know if each person is right for the school. He wasn't shooting to stump me with riddles, ethical questions, or motivation questions. He was just trying to get a bigger picture, something I totally appreciated but at the same time was hard to get a good read.

For me, I didn't get into my application until the last 10 minutes of my application. And that was only to ask how to pronounce some of the names I had listed on the activities list. Did you see the machine on his desk? I had to guess what it was. I thought it was an interviewing torturing device.

I just heard back and man am pumped. I got to stay with students so I got in the inside scoop.

Does anyone know when class is supposed to start for 2005-06 year?

Kazema said:
Just got back from St. Louis. I absolutely loved the school and the city but I can't really explain why. It just felt right to me. Can't explain it.

Dean Willmore is definitely a very laid-back interviewer. But so laid-back that I started to feel a bit paranoid that he wasn't really interested in interviewing me. After my interview (short one, 30 minutes) I kept thinking, "Oh, I should've said this," or "Oh damn I forgot to say this." Now I'm all anxious about this school; I have to say that I'm surprised by how much I liked it.

I can't help feeling that I screwed up but I don't know if I'm just being ridiculous. Probably because my other interviews have all been like an hour long. And I walked out of those feeling really confident about how I did and not so much here. Guess all I can do is wait and hope ;).
I don't know the exact day, but orientation will start the first week of august
Freakingzooming said:
I had Dr. Willmore too. I too felt that. He has written a book on interviewing for medical school (I later heard) and he's known for taking an unconventional approach to interviewing. He really wants to get to know if each person is right for the school. He wasn't shooting to stump me with riddles, ethical questions, or motivation questions. He was just trying to get a bigger picture, something I totally appreciated but at the same time was hard to get a good read.

For me, I didn't get into my application until the last 10 minutes of my application. And that was only to ask how to pronounce some of the names I had listed on the activities list. Did you see the machine on his desk? I had to guess what it was. I thought it was an interviewing torturing device.

I just heard back and man am pumped. I got to stay with students so I got in the inside scoop.

Does anyone know when class is supposed to start for 2005-06 year?

Hey congrats! :clap:
Got the good letter today! I'm goin' to SLU!
Congrats to all that have been accepted. I will be interviewing next week and I hope to be in the same fortunate situation as the rest of you. Quick question: I have about 5 hours to waste the day before my interview in St. Louis, and I want to check out the city. What should I do? Where should I go? Thanks.
freakingzooming and saluki... congrats on your admission to SLU!!!

californiabear... i from the stl suberbs... i dont know if theres much to see in downtown. There are some good resteraunts at the loop. also theres the arch.
CaliforniaBear said:
Congrats to all that have been accepted. I will be interviewing next week and I hope to be in the same fortunate situation as the rest of you. Quick question: I have about 5 hours to waste the day before my interview in St. Louis, and I want to check out the city. What should I do? Where should I go? Thanks.

Two words:

Brewery Tour

And the brewery isn't too far from the medical school.
if you have a few hours go to forest park. its not far, and there are natural history and art museums there. definitely if its a nice day as well.
littleroo said:
To those of you who've been accepted to SLU,

What should we be doing for financial aid? I filled out the FAFSA in January, and I haven't heard a thing from the school!

I havnt heard anything back yet either. But considering they do not offer any free money, I didn't expect any response soon regarding financial aide seeing as my credit is clean.
YzIa said:
I havnt heard anything back yet either. But considering they do not offer any free money, I didn't expect any response soon regarding financial aide seeing as my credit is clean.
They don't offer any scholarships or anything? Is that what they told you at the interview? I had a regional so I don't know what's up with faid.
i got a letter along with my admission documents asking me to go to a website and fill out some info for finaid. it required an id/password which they said would be my ssn and dob. when i entered them it said they were invalid. im gona call and find out...

anyone else had the same exp?
patrickstarfish said:
They don't offer any scholarships or anything? Is that what they told you at the interview? I had a regional so I don't know what's up with faid.
Not that I am aware of. As far as I know, they offer loans only. I havn't been asked to fill out any financial aid info other than the credit report.

Looking through my info I came across that sheet, so maybe I am wrong.
YzIa said:
Not that I am aware of. As far as I know, they offer loans only. I havn't been asked to fill out any financial aid info other than the credit report.

Looking through my info I came across that sheet, so maybe I am wrong.
Apparently there are a few available to "Any student who maintains acceptable scholastic achievement and exhibits exceptional financial need."
Does anyone know what anatomy book SLU students use?