Official Step 1 - Summer 2007 Score thread

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Jul 18, 2004
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Post your exam date and when you received your scores here.

I took this beast today and I already want my scores. 😳

Also, how do we get our scores? I know you can get them from school but does NBME send out paper copy of the scores to your home(or school does that?)? I registered with my parents' address for USMLE. So just curious if they gonna send them to my parents' house.

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Right on, I took it today too. On the NBME website, it says those taking it late June will get scores back July 16 or 18. Do we fall in this late June group?
Right on, I took it today too. On the NBME website, it says those taking it late June will get scores back July 16 or 18. Do we fall in this late June group?

I hope so. I hope Jun 27 = "late june."

What makes the wait worse is my mixed feeling about the test. I honestly don't know how I did.