OHSU or Creighton?

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May 2, 2016
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To the current dental students out there, please advise me.

I was accepted at both Creighton and OHSU and have been going back and forth between the schools for the past month. I am from Portland so it seems like a no-brainer to go to OHSU, but my sister is finishing at CU dental and had a really great experience with the community, clinic, and teachers.

Any insight in either school or personal situation is welcomed. Thanks!

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To the current dental students out there, please advise me.

I was accepted at both Creighton and OHSU and have been going back and forth between the schools for the past month. I am from Portland so it seems like a no-brainer to go to OHSU, but my sister is finishing at CU dental and had a really great experience with the community, clinic, and teachers.

Any insight in either school or personal situation is welcomed. Thanks!

I am from the Portland area but went elsewhere for dental school. A lot of my friends that went to OHSU mentioned difficulty trying to find patients. I don’t know if that’s still an issue, but I would try to find a current student who could weigh in on whether that’s still the case or not.
I live in Nebraska and work for a doctor who graduated from creighton. He talks a lot about the great clinical exposure they got. They don’t really refer cases out which is nice and there’s no shortage of patients!
I don’t attend OHSU, but I did interview there. I really loved their program - student body, professors, and especially their facilities. Also, they had this sweet loan forgiveness program where you work in “rural” parts of oregon for a pretty short amount of time, and they’ll pay for your education. I say “rural” because I remember the admissions officer saying some places you can work at really aren’t rural at all and are very close to Portland. I think the admissions officer said they offer like 4 of these scholarships a year, but last year a couple of them went unfilled because nobody applied. Just something to consider 🙂
I went to UNMC-College of Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. My roommate was in my class. He couldn't keep up with the rest of our class. Failing grades. He was kicked out that year and guess which DS took him in? Creighton. You make of that what you will.
Creighton will prepare you to handle being a solo practitioner in a rural setting, which means you will be able to do a lot of procedures because it won't be practical for your patients to go to a specialist.

I don't know anything about OHSU, but given that there is a lot of rural areas in Ohio, it may be similar.

All in all, I would go to the least expensive.
I went to UNMC-College of Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. My roommate was in my class. He couldn't keep up with the rest of our class. Failing grades. He was kicked out that year and guess which DS took him in? Creighton. You make of that what you will.
was the person able to graduate on time there and get licensed afterwards? what's the person doing now?
was the person able to graduate on time there and get licensed afterwards? what's the person doing now?

Yes. He is a dentist regardless. Last time I spoke to him he was working for a company that treats the Native American Indians on the reservations. I guess he was lucky that a school was willing to accept him knowing his circumstances.