On average, how long does it take schools to process secondaries?

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Jan 8, 2018
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I submitted throughout August. I know it's early in the season, and I could hear back anytime between now and march. But what do you think is the average turnaround time? Like 1-2 months?

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I submitted all of my secondaries in July and the ones that I have heard back from (~63%) got back to me within 1.5-2 months. The fastest was 2 weeks. Some have reported 24 hour turnaround on some of the school specific threads. But the true answer is right in your OP: anytime between now and March. Don't read too much into when you hear back or don't. Hopefully sooner rather than later! With an 81 LizzyM and a well-rounded app you should hear back from many in September.
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