On the subject of "testing"

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How often?

  • Legalize it, Don't Criticize it...

    Votes: 29 35.8%
  • In the morning, afternoon, evening, and at every 10,000 points

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • 1x day

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • 1x week

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • At parties, but I didn't inhale

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • Eh, what?

    Votes: 32 39.5%

  • Total voters


Don't criticize it...
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, okay, I'm trying this again. Forgive me, I'm new.

Just vote, you don't have to post your name and mess up your chances.
We're talking about "tobacco."

How often? that's the question.
Don't be lame and act like Clinton.

By the way, my MCAT, for those of you who care, was a 38. 12-13-13. S.

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I voted

Legalize it, Don't Criticize it...

though I rarely use (maybe 3 times a year or so) I just don't think it's a big deal
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NapeSpikes said:
Nikki, I :love: you.

What's the mcat have to do with this poll??

I think it is a preemptive counterargument against the "smoking makes you dumb" argument...but it also implies that the user smokes :p

I voted for legalize too. I personally don't smoke, but have nothing against it morally.
Cheech said:
Okay, okay, I'm trying this again. Forgive me, I'm new.

Just vote, you don't have to post your name and mess up your chances.
We're talking about "tobacco."

How often? that's the question.
Don't be lame and act like Clinton.

By the way, my MCAT, for those of you who care, was a 38. 12-13-13. S.

Id legalize it in private residences, but keep it illegal in public and also in community housing such as dorms. Also Id keep it illegal for those under 21. I never have used and dont plan on it, but I dont care if other use as long as I am not exposed to it.
Zoom-Zoom said:
I think it is a preemptive counterargument against the "smoking makes you dumb" argument...but it also implies that the user smokes :p

I voted for legalize too. I personally don't smoke, but have nothing against it morally.

Exactly. Sorry, wasn't trying to be a butthole about scores, just wanted a piece of evidence that disproves the "smoking makes you a wasteoid" argument. I thought it was interesting that people were talking about "drugs" and were unable to say or indicate what they felt, did, or thought, so I thought I'd make a thinly veiled poll where people can find out how many SDNers aren't entirely on the straight and narrow. I mean, aren't you curious?
Tobacco? Or pot?

Pot: medically, there are uses for it. I wouldn't want to see my physician frying his brain cells on it, tho. I'd be worried he/she'd be forgetting even more than usual. It impairs you, whether you think so or not (heck drunk folks don't think they're impaired either). Illegal except for medical uses. Strictly controlled however (the folks who are growing for 'medical uses' but have 2,000 plants are full of crap). Heck, have the pharmacists stock it and give it as a prescription and ban individuals growing it.

Tobacco: fine. Its already legal. But I don't want to pay public funds for the resulting medical problems. You smoke for 20 years and get lung cancer or emphysema, don't expect any government medical programs to pay for your choices. And I don't want to smell it, see it, or inhale it in public - you smoke it at home by yourself. I also think smoking around children should be child abuse.

Just an opinion, folks. Just an opinion. Don't scream. You can have your own opinion and I won't yell at you.
I voted legalize it - but for economic reasons. If we taxed the stuff, we could make a bundle - PLUS, think of all the money saved on law enforcement, incarceration etc. For anybody that has worked in emergency medicine, you know that alcohol is a WAY bigger harm to society, and that is legal.
Cheech said:
Exactly. Sorry, wasn't trying to be a butthole about scores, just wanted a piece of evidence that disproves the "smoking makes you a wasteoid" argument. I thought it was interesting that people were talking about "drugs" and were unable to say or indicate what they felt, did, or thought, so I thought I'd make a thinly veiled poll where people can find out how many SDNers aren't entirely on the straight and narrow. I mean, aren't you curious?

How does this disprove that you are a wasitoid? Maybe you would have broken 40 if you didnt smoke. This isnt proof at all.
MEG@COOL said:
How does this disprove that you are a wasitoid? Maybe you would have broken 40 if you didnt smoke. This isnt proof at all.

i doubt it. 1600 sat 35 act. Toke on brother. A bunch of kids in high school were huge tokers and all had 1400+. There is a huge misconception on drugs. A lot of people on drugs are stupid to begin with and people conclude that their stupidity is derived from the drugs. In a study, it said a person needs to smoke pot 7-10 years before his/her cognitive ability is seriously affected. Sorry, I'm too lazy to find the source. I don't mind that you're anti drug. However, you're really ignorant. I love all those anti-drug commercials. A joint is 4 times as toxic as a cigarette. However, who actually smokes one alone? Good thread.
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I've known quite a few brilliant people who've done well on MCAT, school, etc. with having smoked pot or cigarettes in the past.

I don't think it has any relation to intelligence really, unless it is one of the hard drugs we are talking about. But since we are talking about tobacco I'd say there's no issue.

My issue with tobacco is the lack of respect smokers give to nonsmokers. For instance, there's always a ton of smokers in front of the library and it is sometimes hard to get around them because they refuse to stay to a side where people can get around them and avoid the smoke.

So I don't care if others smoke, just as long as they stay away from me when in the process of doing so.
The Smart Guy said:
Sorry, I'm too lazy to find the source.

LOL -- they say that pot tends to cause a lack of motivation. :laugh: Actually, I know quite a few stoners who got cleaned up and suddenly went from being C students on academic probation to solid A students. I don't know if this kind of transformation is typical. But to me it shows that for at least some people it is an impairment -- these folks were apparently less "stupid" off the dope.
Law2Doc said:
LOL -- they say that pot tends to cause a lack of motivation. :laugh: Actually, I know quite a few stoners who got cleaned up and suddenly went from being C students on academic probation to solid A students. I don't know if this kind of transformation is typical. But to me it shows that for at least some people it is an impairment -- these folks were apparently less "stupid" off the dope.

That's funny cuz this one girl I knew would smoke pot, not regularly but on occassion, and she could have smoked it the night before and go into class the next day on very little sleep and still get A's. She barely studied for anything including the MCAT and got a good score. However, I guess we are not taking into account those who regularly do it vs. those who have done it a few times here and there.
gujuDoc said:
That's funny cuz this one girl I knew would smoke pot, not regularly but on occassion, and she could have smoked it the night before and go into class the next day on very little sleep and still get A's. She barely studied for anything including the MCAT and got a good score. However, I guess we are not taking into account those who regularly do it vs. those who have done it a few times here and there.

Yeah - the folks I'm speaking of tended to smoke in lieu of class, not just the night before.
ShyRem said:
Tobacco: fine. Its already legal. But I don't want to pay public funds for the resulting medical problems. You smoke for 20 years and get lung cancer or emphysema, don't expect any government medical programs to pay for your choices.

While I'm not saying I disagree with that, but the same could be said of most obesity-related problems, alcohol-related problems, HIV (I mean in the Western World, where most transmission is sex or i.v. drug related), etc. Where do you draw the line? Also, tobacco is just as harmful (if not more so) as weed, yet it remains legal because there's too much money in the industry. So why not boost the economy some more at the price of public health and legalize weed?
I care about the MCAT score, I say "the more data, the better."

I think we could benefit from legalization, tax it, tax those who grow it. The amount of money saved by not waging this "war" on drugs would be enough alone. This latter part is probably why we will see decriminalization long before said legalization imo.

Marijuana is not harmless. I think it pales in comparison to alcohol though. Both can be dangerous if not used properly. As for perminant loss of "abstract thinking" or some cognitive ability, I'm not so sure. You don't dream as much, and I think that says some thing about your brain state. Smoke that herb for two years straight, then stop cold turkey. You'll get a month of dreaming as if you drank a bottle of dextromethorphan and fish before you went to sleep each night (those two things seem to make me dream whacky things...) Makes one almost want to smoke so they can withdrawl. Look it up (this only gives the abstract http://scholar.google.com/url?sa=U&q=http://www.springerlink.com/index/RJMYM131861EFRYV.pdf)
Law2Doc said:
Yeah - the folks I'm speaking of tended to smoke in lieu of class, not just the night before.

That's probably why they weren't do so well, because they weren't going to class. :laugh: :laugh:

As I said before, i could care less if others choose to waste their lungs by smoking. However, be courteous to others and find a spot where it is not blocking entrances to major buildings and affecting nonsmokers too horribly. That's my only issue with smokers.

On a side note, I like the fact that Florida did away with smoking sections in restaurants and leave the smokers to smoke outside rather then in the restaurant.
gujuDoc said:
As I said before, i could care less if others choose to waste their lungs by smoking.
I care when they're on Medicare or they can't pay their hospital bills and I end up paying for it out of my pocket. If I'm paying for their lifetime of abuse, I care a lot. I can't afford to pay for their destructive habit that they refuse to quit, or even refuse to attempt to quit. I have a big problem with that.

As for paying for HIV or obesity, I'm not disagreeing. HIV from drug use I don't want to pay for either. Drug abusers I don't want to pay for. HIV from sex? That can be problematic. Let's face it, there are thousands of people that have gotten HIV from sex where their partners lied to them. They weren't necessarily being destructive in their behavior - but sometimes the partners didn't know, and sometimes the partners lied. If the behavior isn't habitually destructive (like smoking and drug use) then I have no problems paying for it. Stuff happens. I just don't want to pay for habitually destructive behaviors that people refuse to change.

You can argue that obese people have habitually destructive behavior. I agree. However, gastric bypass provides fabulous negative-reinforcement to change their behavior. If they get obese again after that, they're on their own (and it happens). (Edit: I'm talking about morbidly obese folks here - not the ones who just have an extra 20-30 pounds. I'm talking the ones who have life threats directly attributed to their morbid obesity. The ones who can't breathe at night due to the weight of their own weight on their lungs. The ones who can't move adequately due to their obesity. You know the ones I'm talking about.)
Flopotomist said:
I voted legalize it - but for economic reasons. If we taxed the stuff, we could make a bundle - PLUS, think of all the money saved on law enforcement, incarceration etc. For anybody that has worked in emergency medicine, you know that alcohol is a WAY bigger harm to society, and that is legal.

Why did that guy say "we are talking about tabacco"?
did I miss something
The Smart Guy said:
i doubt it. 1600 sat 35 act. Toke on brother. A bunch of kids in high school were huge tokers and all had 1400+. There is a huge misconception on drugs. A lot of people on drugs are stupid to begin with and people conclude that their stupidity is derived from the drugs. In a study, it said a person needs to smoke pot 7-10 years before his/her cognitive ability is seriously affected. Sorry, I'm too lazy to find the source. I don't mind that you're anti drug. However, you're really ignorant. I love all those anti-drug commercials. A joint is 4 times as toxic as a cigarette. However, who actually smokes one alone? Good thread.

You definitely didnt read this thread, dont understand syllogistic logic. Sorry guy.