Oncologist in private practice applying for Heme fellowship

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Would you go back into training if you had a good oncology job?

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15+ Year Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Any thoughts on an oncology only fellow trained doc in private practice who now wants to apply to heme only fellowship.

Doc wants to also be heme boarded with the changing health care and possibility of insurance companies that may require it. Not interested in research.

Any pros vs cons?

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No pros, all cons.

You're not going to lose insurance coverage because you don't have the heme board.

This is an even worse idea than the dude who wants to do a heme only fellowship and then be a transplanter in a small town, despite not liking either malignant or benign heme.

Also, there's no "F*** NO" option in your poll...which is why I didn't vote.
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so you already have a job and you want to quit and do a hem only fellowship for two years because of the changing health care ... don't do it
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No pros, all cons.

You're not going to lose insurance coverage because you don't have the heme board.

This is an even worse idea than the dude who wants to do a heme only fellowship and then be a transplanter in a small town, despite not liking either malignant or benign heme.

Also, there's no "F*** NO" option in your poll...which is why I didn't vote.
I like benign and malign heme, i wanted to know how the practice is in a small hospital. :banana: