One year masters?

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Nov 8, 2005
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Hey yall, I am re-applying for either this next cycle or maybe the cycle after that. I was wondering if any of you know anything about this program at ETSU. requirements.html

I have an overall GPA of a 3.25 (3.05 according to AADSAS) and a 3.13 BCP according to AADSAS. If I just do post-bacc work for a year (assuming all A's) I will only acqiure maybe an overall GPA of 3.23 and a science of 3.4. Yet if I do a masters I think that my gain would be significantly more for my application and it would take the same amount of time. Which option would shools prefer and does anybody have any info about this program? Thanks a million

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geckel said:
Hey yall, I am re-applying for either this next cycle or maybe the cycle after that. I was wondering if any of you know anything about this program at ETSU. requirements.html

I have an overall GPA of a 3.25 (3.05 according to AADSAS) and a 3.13 BCP according to AADSAS. If I just do post-bacc work for a year (assuming all A's) I will only acqiure maybe an overall GPA of 3.23 and a science of 3.4. Yet if I do a masters I think that my gain would be significantly more for my application and it would take the same amount of time. Which option would shools prefer and does anybody have any info about this program? Thanks a million

I thought I saw a lot of people on this site with stuff like
GPA 3.05
SCI GPA 3.13
DAT 21/21/22 (or whatever yours is)
ACC: lots of different schools

So i'm not sure that 'just doing a year of postbac' wont be enough.
irishpint said:
I thought I saw a lot of people on this site with stuff like
GPA 3.05
SCI GPA 3.13
DAT 21/21/22 (or whatever yours is)
ACC: lots of different schools

So i'm not sure that 'just doing a year of postbac' wont be enough.
Whether you ment to or not, thanks for the encouraging post irishpint.

If anybody on here comes close to fitting irishpint's description then please post or pm me about the specifics of your post-bacc work.

I have pm'ed a few people on here that have similar stats to my own but did post-bacc to gain acceptances. None of them told me they did only a year though. Then again they had sub-3.0 GPA's to start with so maybe they required more time then I might. I am very confused b/c I really just don't know what will be best for me. I am already going to be a third year applicant but I will not be a fourth........I'm going to fix my GPA up until an acceptance is promising.
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geckel said:
Whether you ment to or not, thanks for the encouraging post irishpint.

If anybody on here comes close to fitting irishpint's description then please post or pm me about the specifics of your post-bacc work.

I have pm'ed a few people on here that have similar stats to my own but did post-bacc to gain acceptances. None of them told me they did only a year though. Then again they had sub-3.0 GPA's to start with so maybe they required more time then I might. I am very confused b/c I really just don't know what will be best for me. I am already going to be a third year applicant but I will not be a fourth........I'm going to fix my GPA up until an acceptance is promising.

Im like you. I applied this year, first year (im a senior in college) w/ a 3.2/3.0/18 split and i've had 2 interviews and one waitlist thus far and it doesn't look good for anything else. Rather than reapplying next year I'm going to take some more classes (was hoping to do one year of post-bac...) and retake the DAT and make sure i'm getting in the next time i apply.
geckel said:
Hey yall, I am re-applying for either this next cycle or maybe the cycle after that. I was wondering if any of you know anything about this program at ETSU. requirements.html

I have an overall GPA of a 3.25 (3.05 according to AADSAS) and a 3.13 BCP according to AADSAS. If I just do post-bacc work for a year (assuming all A's) I will only acqiure maybe an overall GPA of 3.23 and a science of 3.4. Yet if I do a masters I think that my gain would be significantly more for my application and it would take the same amount of time. Which option would shools prefer and does anybody have any info about this program? Thanks a million

Geckel, when did you apply? Do you have interviews yet? Honesty, your stats are average and your DAT scores are SUPER.
irishpint said:
Im like you. I applied this year, first year (im a senior in college) w/ a 3.2/3.0/18 split and i've had 2 interviews and one waitlist thus far and it doesn't look good for anything else. Rather than reapplying next year I'm going to take some more classes (was hoping to do one year of post-bac...) and retake the DAT and make sure i'm getting in the next time i apply.
Sounds like you have your ducks in a row irishpint. Retaking the DAT is the easiest way to improve an application but have you noticed that in order to get in these days you have to have a GPA > or = to a 3.5. That is just my observation of the majority of posts on here, of course there are exceptions. The acceptance stats that are released by the ADA seem to be misleading due to the fact that they are way outdated.
i agree that your gpa needs to be at or above 3.5 to be competitive. it is almost laughable to read the sub 3.0 thread. it will be interesting to see what this year's acceptance stats are when all is said and done. will this year's cycle be a high water mark or will the number keep climbing for a few more cycles?
Missserica said:
Geckel, when did you apply? Do you have interviews yet? Honesty, your stats are average and your DAT scores are SUPER.
Yep, the DAT is really the only thing that I really have going for me. I feel that it is over looked though by my GPA, seems to be a lot more important (I can see why though). At least the schools know that I can pass my boards when they review me but they don't want people with GPA's in the low 3's anymore. I just can't compete.
Yes I did interview........but only at my state school. It was the only school that I applied to b/c I didn't know that late applicants were at such a disadvantage (learned about that when I joined SDN in November). Figured that with my stats I was good to go but the average acceptance this year has gone to 3.6-3.7 GPA's 😱 . Used to be 3.2-3.3 GPA's.
Dental DL said:
i agree that your gpa needs to be at or above 3.5 to be competitive. it is almost laughable to read the sub 3.0 thread. it will be interesting to see what this year's acceptance stats are when all is said and done. will this year's cycle be a high water mark or will the number keep climbing for a few more cycles?
I sure hope it stops climbing. It can't go that much higher unless 5000 people graduate with 4.0's next year......and decide to become dentist. I don't want to think about that anymore 😡 .
Well it's sort of refreshing to hear from a realist. So what do you think about my plan? Post-bacc or masters?
geckel said:
Hey yall, I am re-applying for either this next cycle or maybe the cycle after that. I was wondering if any of you know anything about this program at ETSU. requirements.html

I have an overall GPA of a 3.25 (3.05 according to AADSAS) and a 3.13 BCP according to AADSAS. If I just do post-bacc work for a year (assuming all A's) I will only acqiure maybe an overall GPA of 3.23 and a science of 3.4. Yet if I do a masters I think that my gain would be significantly more for my application and it would take the same amount of time. Which option would shools prefer and does anybody have any info about this program? Thanks a million

I really dont know if a masters is the way to go. I considered it after I fell short my first application cycle. The people started asking me what will you say to the interviewer when he askes ... "why did you take this masters" ... "how will it help you as a dentist"... or "why didnt you take some science courses to boost your gpa and show us that you could pull the load." Your DAT scores are great and your gpa is below what schools would like... but if you can... like you say... boost your science to 3.4 and show significant improvement, schools would love to see that. I dont know which schools you are shooting for but if you raise your gpa, im sure you will have several schools interested including Buffalo, NYU or Temple.

Good Luck in whatever you decide...
Toothdoc2b said:
I really dont know if a masters is the way to go. I considered it after I fell short my first application cycle. The people started asking me what will you say to the interviewer when he askes ... "why did you take this masters" ... "how will it help you as a dentist"... or "why didnt you take some science courses to boost your gpa and show us that you could pull the load." Your DAT scores are great and your gpa is below what schools would like... but if you can... like you say... boost your science to 3.4 and show significant improvement, schools would love to see that. I dont know which schools you are shooting for but if you raise your gpa, im sure you will have several schools interested including Buffalo, NYU or Temple.

Good Luck in whatever you decide...
Thank you for the encouraging advice. I'll take your suggestion into consideration.
Anyone else have something to add, opinion to share, or maybe a story to tell?
I don't think a masters is the way to go for you and honestly I don't think you need a post-bac. Your stats are good, better than mine (2.96/3.32 19/20/19) anyway I got in first round.

So you ask.... what do I do? Something else is wrong with your application.
Re-write your essay.... make it great. Work on your interview skills, and your EC's. Showdowing, research.... I might take a class or two to get involved in SG and clubs.... BUT ONLY LEADERSHIP positions.

Your stats and not being accepted don't add up.

Bottom line.... Strengthen your application.
The problem with masters program is that it doesn't raise your undergrad gpa. A post-bac does. And there are a LOT of school that don't care about hte masters GPA and just focus on the undergrad GPA.
savvysearch said:
The problem with masters program is that it doesn't raise your undergrad gpa. A post-bac does. And there are a LOT of school that don't care about hte masters GPA and just focus on the undergrad GPA.
I didn't know that. I was under the impression that a masters would over-shadow the undergrad. Can anyone confirm this?
SuperC said:
I don't think a masters is the way to go for you and honestly I don't think you need a post-bac. Your stats are good, better than mine (2.96/3.32 19/20/19) anyway I got in first round.

So you ask.... what do I do? Something else is wrong with your application.
Re-write your essay.... make it great. Work on your interview skills, and your EC's. Showdowing, research.... I might take a class or two to get involved in SG and clubs.... BUT ONLY LEADERSHIP positions.

Your stats and not being accepted don't add up.

Bottom line.... Strengthen your application.

SuperC is somewhat correct on his assumptions that something is missing on your application. But to dismiss the idea of enrolling in post bac or masters program would be stupid on your part. Always have a back up, and a post bac program and masters is the way to go. You can do all the things mentioned in Super C post while taking class as either a post bac or masters student.

What type of masters program is what really should be asked. Non thesis or thesis.

Non-thesis or library thesis: focus on lots of course work and writing a long a ardous research paper on a particular topic. no research involved in labs.

Thesis: less course work, lots of research involved, and writing a thesis based upon your research.
in my opinion, Geckel .. just apply next year. no worries. your gpa is LIKE a 3.0. that's fine. you just didn't know about timing is EVERYTHING in this game.
SuperC said:
I don't think a masters is the way to go for you and honestly I don't think you need a post-bac. Your stats are good, better than mine (2.96/3.32 19/20/19) anyway I got in first round.

So you ask.... what do I do? Something else is wrong with your application.
Re-write your essay.... make it great. Work on your interview skills, and your EC's. Showdowing, research.... I might take a class or two to get involved in SG and clubs.... BUT ONLY LEADERSHIP positions.

Your stats and not being accepted don't add up.

Bottom line.... Strengthen your application.
Thanks for the reply SuperC. I think that I should elaborate on my current situation. What's wrong with my application, besides my GPA, is that only one school is looking at it. About ten schools will get my application in July for the 2007 cycle.
I got all the stuff you mentioned..........held officer position in ASDA @ my school, plenty of active memberships in clubs and honor societies, plenty of volunteer work, 100+ hours logged shadowing. I had good reviews on my personal statement and my interview went very well (I scored unusually high on my interview.....don't ask how I know).
The dean told me that he takes 50% female and 30% minority......53 in state acceptances times .5= 26.5 people (times .7)= 18 to 19 spots that I am competing for. If I had to guess, I would say that probably 100-300 people I am up against. That's a 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 odds.
I know that I probably shouldn't look at it that way but I love to do statistics. This is my guess at the level of competition at this particular school based on information that I gathered from the dean.....and yes, I'm sure that I'm not exactly correct but I'm probably close with those figures. All of the extra curriculars in the world won't make up the difference between myself with a 3.05 and an applicant with a 3.9-4.0 (which were the numbers that he used to describe a competitive applicant this cycle). I know that schools value the criteria that your post describes but, from what I have seen so far, I sincerely believe that this school is into stats. I have made up my mind on how to make myself more competitive.......just not sure if it will be the master's or the post-bacc.
Missserica said:
in my opinion, Geckel .. just apply next year. no worries. your gpa is LIKE a 3.0. that's fine. you just didn't know about timing is EVERYTHING in this game.
Thank you for the reassurement Missserica, but I think that I might as well stay busy in the off season. Besides, I'm already enrolled working on some post-bacc classes right now.
hockeydentist said:
SuperC is somewhat correct on his assumptions that something is missing on your application. But to dismiss the idea of enrolling in post bac or masters program would be stupid on your part. Always have a back up, and a post bac program and masters is the way to go. You can do all the things mentioned in Super C post while taking class as either a post bac or masters student.

What type of masters program is what really should be asked. Non thesis or thesis.

Non-thesis or library thesis: focus on lots of course work and writing a long a ardous research paper on a particular topic. no research involved in labs.

Thesis: less course work, lots of research involved, and writing a thesis based upon your research.
I have a link to the program on the first post on this thread. Which is better? thesis or non-thesis?
Does anybody else have any info, stories, experience with, or advice to add concerning how schools look at a masters the one in the link on my first post on this thread? I still don't feel like the decision is clear without specific examples. If it helps here is the list of the schools that I'm interested in; NYU, BU, Tufts, OU, UoP(ice cubes chance), Marquette, Creighton, Detriot Mercy, and Tennessee. Any opinions of a canidate such as myself being accepted to one of these schools (pending either a masters or post-bacc)......also do certain schools in my list value specific details of an application over others (ex. GPA or DAT or EC or dashing good looks)?
geckel said:
Does anybody else have any info, stories, experience with, or advice to add concerning how schools look at a masters the one in the link on my first post on this thread? I still don't feel like the decision is clear without specific examples. If it helps here is the list of the schools that I'm interested in; NYU, BU, Tufts, OU, UoP(ice cubes chance), Marquette, Creighton, Detriot Mercy, and Tennessee. Any opinions of a canidate such as myself being accepted to one of these schools (pending either a masters or post-bacc)......also do certain schools in my list value specific details of an application over others (ex. GPA or DAT or EC or dashing good looks)?

I dont understand all this talk about anything below a 3.5 being unacceptable. Have you guys checked last years entrance stats? Plenty of schools had overall GPA averages less than 3.4..and sciences less than 3.3..and DATs around 19/19/17.
Looks like i might be reapplying next year (taking 4 science courses now to boost science gpa and bcp). I am confident ill be good to go next year..applying to private schools. Good luck everyone