Oregon State PhD in Counselor education and supervision

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Dec 2, 2021
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Hi everyone,
I need some help in regards to the OSU PhD program in counselor education.
I just received my masters in counseling from university of the Cumberlands in Kentucky and am currently working at an eating disorder facility. I would like to pursue my PhD since I always have a passion for supervision and teaching. Anyone have any relevant info in regards to the program offered at OSU? They have a four year program and the price doesn’t seem to be too terrible. My job also pays for half and they’ll accept 56 credits from my masters so I would only pay very little overall. My local university only offers a MS in counseling and no PhD.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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In a perfect world I would say private practice with student interns. I also would love to teach at the university of Nevada Las Vegas counseling department.
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Ok, I've known a few folks who have graduated from there and said good things. It's more competitive than a standard online program because of their hybrid model, which requires in-person attendance. I don't like online programs, but if I were going to pick, it's not a terrible choice especially if your employer will pick up the cost. The faculty are regularly engaged in research and do a lot for the counseling profession.

I'd be remiss not to mention that there are fully funded CES programs like UNC Greensboro, USF, University of Cincinnati, and Penn State. That'd likely require you to move though.
Ok, I've known a few folks who have graduated from there and said good things. It's more competitive than a standard online program because of their hybrid model, which requires in-person attendance. I don't like online programs, but if I were going to pick, it's not a terrible choice especially if your employer will pick up the cost. The faculty are regularly engaged in research and do a lot for the counseling profession.

I'd be remiss not to mention that there are fully funded CES programs like UNC Greensboro, USF, University of Cincinnati, and Penn State. That'd likely require you to move though.
Wow thank you so much for the help. I took the travel requirement into consideration and my work is totally ok with it. I will look into the options you presented to me. If I’d have to move for a program I would have to reconsider because I do really love my job. Thank you again.