Organic Chemistry II

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Jul 9, 2014
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I have a couple questions about Organic Chemistry II.

1. My school only required Organic I for Biochemistry. So, I have already taken Organic I and Biochemistry but not Organic II. I thought that I should still take Organic II to widen the number of places I can apply. How true is this? Is there a decent number of schools that require a full year of Organic for which you cannot partially substitute Biochemistry?

2. Given that I took Organic I during the summer, would it be a bad idea to take Organic II through something like UNE Online? It would be a lot cheaper to take it at an online school like that instead of my brick-and-mortor university.

Thank you!

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So one exercise I have students do, usually in their second or third year, is start putting together school lists.

One thing it helps them see is if there are schools they really want to (or should) apply to (i.e., their state program with a strong IS preference) that have pre-requisites outside of the "norm".

It doesn't really matter "how many" schools require Organic II. What matters is how many schools *that you want to apply to* require Organic II.

With respect to online vs. brick and mortar: as you check MSAR, see if labs are required and if there are any online vs. in person notations in the requirements.
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So one exercise I have students do, usually in their second or third year, is start putting together school lists.

One thing it helps them see is if there are schools they really want to (or should) apply to (i.e., their state program with a strong IS preference) that have pre-requisites outside of the "norm".

It doesn't really matter "how many" schools require Organic II. What matters is how many schools *that you want to apply to* require Organic II.

With respect to online vs. brick and mortar: as you check MSAR, see if labs are required and if there are any online vs. in person notations in the requirements.

Thank you for your very helpful response! :)
I found the laboratory work in ochem helped greatly with comprehension and staying engaged with the material. It was as much preparation for working in the laboratory environment as it was applying what I learned in lecture and studied in the textbook. If you decide to take the course and you can swing an in-person course (check community colleges, their tuition is a lot more reachable than four year schools) it is well worth your consideration.