Orgo Grade

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Mar 23, 2009
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Hi all,

My final grade in orgo I is a B+. I'm a little worried that it's low in terms of being competitive. Also, my overall science GPA is quite low at a 3.2. I was hoping I could get an A to boost my GPA. However, I am confident that I can get an A next semester now that I have found a good studying method. What do you all think? Is my grade in orgo not high enough for med school?


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Yeah there is no way you're getting in. Can you take it again?
It's fine, but you need to bring your science gpa up.
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B+ is fine for orgo and not something worth to retake. Your main concern is your science GPA in general. You should try to get it up before you think of applying.
A B+ in Organic isn't that bad (its actually pretty good...congratulations! Don't let the neurotic posters on this forum get to you!)...its a tough class and everyone knows it. But you should try and get your sGPA up to at least a 3.4 if you can.
Yeah there is no way you're getting in. Can you take it again?

It's pointless to retake classes for MD schools since they don't count them. I personally have no idea about your chances. A 3.2 seems low. I don't think you're "toast".
a B+ is fine for orgo, it's a very tough class and you will find people who get in MD with C's in orgo.
That said, what is important is your overall science GPA. since you're at a 3.2 right now, that's low so you will want to work on improving it. The average matriculant science GPA is a 3.6 so try to get as close to that as you possibly can
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the input. I'm currently doing a postbac program to complete my prereqs. I'm trying my best to do well in my classes and improve my GPA. Next semester is my last one and I'm just taking orgo ii and physics ii. I'm hoping an A in both of those classes will raise my GPA.

Also, I'm planning on taking my mcat in may. Is it a good idea to study for it while taking classes?

Thanks again!
If you can, I'd avoid taking the MCAT at the same time as you're taking classes.
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That's what I was thinking as well. But, my advisor said that it's best to apply to med schools early and that I have a better chance of being accepted if I apply in June. I figured, since I don't have the most competitive resume or GPA, that it would be best to take the MCAT early and apply early. But, now I'm thinking I should just take it in July.

Decisions, decisions!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the input. I'm currently doing a postbac program to complete my prereqs. I'm trying my best to do well in my classes and improve my GPA. Next semester is my last one and I'm just taking orgo ii and physics ii. I'm hoping an A in both of those classes will raise my GPA.

Also, I'm planning on taking my mcat in may. Is it a good idea to study for it while taking classes?

Thanks again!

With your low science GPA, I wouldn't suggest studying for the MCAT and doing classes. I would probably take the June test date if you are going to do that.

Also, maybe take more than just two science courses. You could always throw in some easier science classes to bring it up. Maybe take some science classes that do not have a lab portion?

Finally, a B+ in orgo is pretty good. I got a C my first semester and still am getting interview invites and have been accepted.
I've notice people always say: "I'm sure I'll get an A next time" how can they be so sure???

Op, B+ is good, try to bring that GPA up.