Ortho and GRE

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Jul 6, 2021
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I am a second year dental student who aspires to be a someday orthodontist, I currently have a 3.92 GPA, am doing research and am looking to take the GRE this summer. I was wondering if any ortho residents, orthodontists, or upperclassmen who were also aspiring to become orthodontists had any advice on how long I should take to prepare for the GRE? Any other advice on what I would need to be successful would be great!! Thank you so much!

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If English is your first language you probably don't need to spend more than 2 weeks. There's some vocabulary to memorize and some math techniques to refresh but aside from that and practicing there's not much to it.

I used Magoosh and the official practice exams, both were helpful, expect the math section on the real exam to be a little harder than the practice exams.
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Agree with Feralis, when you sign up to take the GRE you get a few online full length practice tests with it. Do those to kind of see what you will be up against. I thought the vocab was the most time consuming part to study just because its a lot of memorization. Google "top 100 most used GRE voacb words" and stuff like that and you will get a few articles with some good high yield words to study - look at multiple not just the first one. You will start to see a lot of repeats. If you have time Magoosh is a good app to have on your phone just because you can do it anywhere. Wake up and scroll through for 30 min while still laying in bed lol.

Also, I went to Half Price Books and got a Kaplan book just for some ideas of how the essay part looks and what they look for. I know its so dorky but try and use some of the words that you learn when practicing the vocab section and use them in your essay. Not in an obvious over the top way but in an organic way if possible.
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