ortho and GRE

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Jul 12, 2005
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any comments on how important your score is?
My director says to take it cold, seems other schools list a minimum

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I am just applying myself right now so I only know what I have learned through this process, not from any directors directly. But , this is what I've learned from my experiences (only considering the 25 schools I am aplying to):

Two schools that I know of with minimum requirements are St. Louis and Loma Linda (1000 cum. on verbal and quant. and 4.0 on anal. writing).

There are another handful that require it, but don't list any minimum requirements: Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Tennessee, U. of Florida, Nebraska (these all want official score reports directly); there were many others that I called that said they accept scores reported to PASS, but since those aren't considered "official" I am guessing that it isn't as important to those programs.(???)

Now, about the score. I was told by an upperclassman that matched last year, that the "magic number" on the GRE is 1200 and 4.0. By magic number he said that it won't hurt your app at all with a score like that. I am sure that students have been accepted to programs with less than 1200, but if you score high it may help too. A resident at SLU wasn't in the the top 10% of his class, but he said he smoked the GRE and when he interviewed the director focused a lot on his GRE scores, so it appears that his high score helped him.

I am pretty sure that it doesn't matter at all for most certificate only programs, because the main reason the GRE is required is for the Masters that they give you.

Basically, if you want to better your chances, take the GRE. If you want to better your chances more, shoot for 1200/4.0. I don't know where you go to school, but it may just be a formality at your program and the director couldn't care less what you score or he feels that you will do well enough taking it cold.

My personal experience: bought a book, studied pretty hard (~40-60 Hours - very rough estimate), took the test 12 hours after our first child was born and wife still in hospital and scored a 1310 and 5.0 (my goal was 1200 and 4.0)

If you remember math well and can memorize words pretty quickly, you should be able to score well with less study time than me and may want to take it cold after at least taking some practices just to orient yourself and get the timing down. I think that this is quite an exhaustive answer to your short question, but I hope that it helps. :sleep:
Some schools take it pretty seriously. Aim for a 1200-1300.
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bsmcga0 said:
any comments on how important your score is?
My director says to take it cold, seems other schools list a minimum

It is more important than people think. Get above a 1250 or retake it.
From what I hear if you don't do too well on the essay portion but you have published research they may over look it.
bsmcga0 said:
any comments on how important your score is?
My director says to take it cold, seems other schools list a minimum

I wouldn't let your director diminish your results like that. I think you can get a lot of benefit from minimal studying.
ItsGavinC said:
Not because it relates to ortho at all, but because it gives programs another yardstick to measure applicants by, I'm assuming?

dingdingding. we have a winner
I studied for 2 days. The math section is easy but most of us havent done that stuff since high school. That was all i studied. I looked over the practice test for the verbal just to familiarize myself with the exam. You cant memorize all those words unless you put some real time in. Most schools have the exam to get you into the graduate programs for the master's degrees (it is required that all graduate students take the GRE). It is a formality. However, a low score will raise some eyebrows. I would shoot for the 1250 range as well. (thats what i got) good luck
NUKE said:
I studied for 2 days. The math section is easy but most of us havent done that stuff since high school. That was all i studied. I looked over the practice test for the verbal just to familiarize myself with the exam. You cant memorize all those words unless you put some real time in. Most schools have the exam to get you into the graduate programs for the master's degrees (it is required that all graduate students take the GRE). It is a formality. However, a low score will raise some eyebrows. I would shoot for the 1250 range as well. (thats what i got) good luck
Is the GRE required for foreign grads or even for local grads? I noticed on the PASS application service, some schools ask for a GRE score but it doens't say for what kind of applicants?

NUKE said:
I studied for 2 days. The math section is easy but most of us havent done that stuff since high school. That was all i studied. I looked over the practice test for the verbal just to familiarize myself with the exam. You cant memorize all those words unless you put some real time in. Most schools have the exam to get you into the graduate programs for the master's degrees (it is required that all graduate students take the GRE). It is a formality. However, a low score will raise some eyebrows. I would shoot for the 1250 range as well. (thats what i got) good luck

Thats a good score for not studying, congrats!
700 Math is 89th percentile
550 verbal is 80th percentile

unless the scale in the kaplan book is way off.
I made a 1290. So I guess I wont have to take it again...
Math 800
Verb 490
The exam is not too bad actually. Just a few days of studying...

Thank Gawd I'm done with it!

Good luck :thumbup:
I was wondering if anyone has tried to retake part of the GRE.

I was happy with my combined score (1360) but I got a 3.5 on the written...

I was wondering if anyone has taken just the written over??
I couldn't find anything on the GRE website that said you could do this.
actually I want to take the GRE but i want a book to study from ,is there a recommended new book most students study?,if anyone want to sell his /her book let me know.