Osteopathic Radiology

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Oct 7, 2007
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I am a DO student. I am applying to both Anesthesiology and Radiology. I really liked Rad. I have several allopathic anesthesiology interviews and I have had 1 allopathic Radiology interview. If I decide to go to an Osteopathic Radiology program would I be limiting my options as to where I could realistically live " outside the Midwest" and make a decent Income.


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Got another allo rads interview. :D Sweet! Anyway would appreciate any feedback. feel free to PM me as well.

These are questions you should be bringing up during an osteo rad interview.

I think its a pretty bizarre question to ask whether or not you'd be restricted to living in the midwest. What? You do realize there is an osteopathic radiology program in the east coast, don't you? There are DO radiologists all over the country. No offense, but I can't believe you don't already know this.
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I know that there is a different set of boards. I would imagine that the standard is the ABR not the AOCR. The Midwest is probably less competitive as far as the job market goes and the Midwest is probably more familiar with DOs.

I didn't realize DO Rads was only allowed to practice in the midwest.

Ok, didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings. Are both routes equal in the eyes of employers?
These are questions you should be bringing up during an osteo rad interview.

I think its a pretty bizarre question to ask whether or not you'd be restricted to living in the midwest. What? You do realize there is an osteopathic radiology program in the east coast, don't you? There are DO radiologists all over the country. No offense, but I can't believe you don't already know this.

Wow, what a d!ck! Calm down foreskin.

You remind me of Tallegada Nights,

"Just because you say 'no offense" doesn't mean you get to say anything you want"

"Actually, I believe it does, it says so in the Geneva Convention"
