PhD/PsyD panic disorder, major depression, anxiety disorder, brief psychotic disorder, tbi, ptsd?

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Nov 22, 2013
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I think this might qualify for the /awfuleverything subreddit. The circumstances sound terrible for everyone, obviously the soldiers killing and being killed, their families and communities, the folks trying to help. Long distance remote artillery fire can't be far away.

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Definitely heartbreaking to read. Unfortunately, the military/VA is the perfect system for this to emerge in. You have a pretty low base rate, relatively speaking population, exposed to a very low baserate condition, put in a system that has a lot of noise to signal ratio when it comes to odd and noncredible symptom reporting. There has been some blast research out there, but that's usually isolated or handful of incidents, and not this 4 to 5 figure exposure level incidents, so we're really in uncharted territory.
Remember when someone on a listserv disclosed that the DoD established that "tbi" was going to be the "signature injury" ... before the wars kicked off.

PsyDr remembers.

Personally, I think that the Las Vegas research in boxing, with the accelerometer, is going to be the most valid. Of course, there is some selection bias. "Hey, wanna get hit in the head for fun? Sure!"