Pass Status

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Junior Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 10, 2006
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How long does it usually take for PASS to update the status after they have received your transcripts, CV etc? My transcripts were mailed out on monday and its been about 4 days and under the status tab it has not updated. Should I contact them?

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ortho07 said:
How long does it usually take for PASS to update the status after they have received your transcripts, CV etc? My transcripts were mailed out on monday and its been about 4 days and under the status tab it has not updated. Should I contact them?

They probably haven't even sorted through the massive amount of mailings they get to find them.

Mine updated within 7 days or so, but I also sent mine in May. PASS may be quite a bit busier now.

I'd wait for at least another week.