Pediatric Ophthalmology

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Jun 2, 2003
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Hi. I've heard from several people that there is a huge national need for Pediatric Ophthalmologists...I was wondering what any of you have heard or know of this situation?
If there is a need, are there certain areas that in more of a need? What is the money like compared to general ophthalmology? Do you have to be associated with a large children's hospital?
Thanks for any information! :)

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tls said:
Hi. I've heard from several people that there is a huge national need for Pediatric Ophthalmologists...I was wondering what any of you have heard or know of this situation?
If there is a need, are there certain areas that in more of a need? What is the money like compared to general ophthalmology? Do you have to be associated with a large children's hospital?
Thanks for any information! :)

Peds ophthalmologists are in short supply. I think the problem is that the compensation is slightly less than general ophthalmology, and peds ophthalmology requires a great deal of work and high liability due to ROP examinations. One of my colleagues covers five local hospitals, and the ROP examinations require a significant amount of time to complete and document. One doesn't need to be associated with a large children's hospital, but the community will need you to examine premature infants.

Use this search engine to identify areas with low numbers of peds ophthalmologists:
I shadowed a few generals this year and didn't feel like it was for me. I love working with kids and I'm wondering if peds ophtho may be a better fit for me. Do you have more info on the most common procedures done and the amount of clinic vs. surgery time. From what I have seen the compensation/hour is very similar for peds vs. general.
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tennik said:
I shadowed a few generals this year and didn't feel like it was for me. I love working with kids and I'm wondering if peds ophtho may be a better fit for me. Do you have more info on the most common procedures done and the amount of clinic vs. surgery time. From what I have seen the compensation/hour is very similar for peds vs. general.

Just out of curiosity what made them think that ophtho wasn't for you?
I thought it was going to be compassionate surgery, but when I got there it was more like factory surgery (I though the docs were just happy to get the next patient going rather than personal care). I was also expecting a wide variety of surgeries on a daily basis, but found that most docs did only a few surgeries over and over. Take this with a grain of salt, I probably logged about fifteen half days with five different doctors.