PGY-2 spot open for Ob/Gyn

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FM => Geri
15+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Heard that there's a PGY2 spot open at my program.

I had a great experience here over the past year even though I'm leaving for FP (they already filled my spot because I told them quite a while back). The faculty and other residents have been exceptional and supportive even though I was leaving.

It's Baylor in Houston, TX. Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston, TX is a fun place to learn and can be quite crazy at times so far as the kind of pathology you get to see.

I don't know much about it but this is just me hearing through the grapevine in case anyone is interested. I didn't post onto the "positions available" since I'm not an official poster from the institution.

Hope this helps someone out.

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Good luck.I am a Fp doc .I am trying to get in to a ob residency.
Could you pls share your pc ph number