Position Wanted PGY1

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5+ Year Member
Feb 13, 2019
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Looking for a PGY-1 in IM, FM, Peds, Pathology or psychiatry. Can start anytime and move anywhere. Please let me know if you are aware of any opening. Help me, I’m getting old and broke. God bless.

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Looking for a PGY-1 in IM, FM, Peds, Pathology or psychiatry. Can start anytime and move anywhere. Please let me know if you are aware of any opening. Help me, I’m getting old and broke. God bless.
I'm not sure this is the right place to post. Also if you're making a post with the hopes someone from a program with an opening sees it and responds, might want to leave off your last sentence about getting old and broke. Don't think it's enticing to prospective employers.
I'm not sure this is the right place to post. Also if you're making a post with the hopes someone from a program with an opening sees it and responds, might want to leave off your last sentence about getting old and broke. Don't think it's enticing to prospective employers.
Old and broke... i feel like that's all I've gotten after going through and finishing med school..
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I'm not sure this is the right place to post. Also if you're making a post with the hopes someone from a program with an opening sees it and responds, might want to leave off your last sentence about getting old and broke. Don't think it's enticing to prospective employers.
I'm not sure this is the right place to post. Also if you're making a post with the hopes someone from a program with an opening sees it and responds, might want to leave off your last sentence about getting old and broke. Don't think it's enticing to prospective employers.
shocking right? Hearing the word “old” freaks out anyone with an ageist mindset.

shocking right? Hearing the word “old” freaks out anyone with an ageist mindset.
Dude, you're specifically framing it as a negative in your case. Your age doesn't have to be a negative, but when you specifically list it as one, how can you expect anyone else not to take your own word for it? This issue isn't even your age but leading with your desperation.

I am sympathetic to the fact time is passing you by and you need money, but why should this entice an employer to hire you over anyone else? The fact you don't seem to see this or to censor yourself on something that doesnt do much to make the case for your being the best for the job, might make you seem less than best for the job. You're shooting yourself in the foot putting this particular foot forward.

Harsh but true. You can't lead with desperate personal circumstances.

If you're not a first time applicant to the Match still in med school, any potential employer already knows your circumstance is desperate. Not knowing to leave that at the door in your job search has the potential to turn some people off.

Do yourself a favor and show a little judgment and grace.
Excellent response Crayola. There are thousands looking for every spot that's available so anyone wanting to land one of those spots has to use every facet available to them. Choice of words and impression left is critical. So, what do you do with this advice Lemondrop?

shocking right? Hearing the word “old” freaks out anyone with an ageist mindset.
Basically, you have nothing to offer. So why don’t you just move on and see other posts that make you happy?
What I write is not your business. Learn to stay within your limits.
You are basically a bully who likes to find something in someone’s post that may reflect in your mind a sense of vulnerability and then use that to attack them publicly. I have seen bullies like you a lot. And if you think you can make me not write anymore, you are so damn wrong. There are many great, smart and helpful people here and I receive useful tips from them in DM everyday and I am very grateful to them.
People like you will always be miserable bullies. I won’t even bother reading your nonsense.
Basically, you have nothing to offer. So why don’t you just move on and see other posts that make you happy?
What I write is not your business. Learn to stay within your limits.
You are basically a bully who likes to find something in someone’s post that may reflect in your mind a sense of vulnerability and then use that to attack them publicly. I have seen bullies like you a lot. And if you think you can make me not write anymore, you are so damn wrong. There are many great, smart and helpful people here and I receive useful tips from them in DM everyday and I am very grateful to them.
People like you will always be miserable bullies. I won’t even bother reading your nonsense.
This is distinctly not what I'm known for on this board. I am 110% on the side of struggling students and residents. But part of being on their side is trying to clue them in when they are not "playing the game" and are not saying what the powers that be want to hear, that will only end up hurting them.

You want compassion from people with connections to open slots, and I am telling you that you saying things that will not get you compassion from many other physicians, and my pointing this out to you doesn't mean I have a lack of compassion. It is my compassion that is why I'm trying to clue you in to this.

I think you're trolling, but you can never completely account for cluelessness and who else might be reading advice. Doctors are a tough crowd and they do frequently bully others in a bad place. Based on how I've seen survivors of rape and cancer and how their reasonable entreaties for help have been treated by the medical establishment, I'm just letting anyone out there know don't try to get your foot in a residency door without talking very carefully about whatever desperate situation you're in.
Basically, you have nothing to offer. So why don’t you just move on and see other posts that make you happy?
What I write is not your business. Learn to stay within your limits.
You are basically a bully who likes to find something in someone’s post that may reflect in your mind a sense of vulnerability and then use that to attack them publicly. I have seen bullies like you a lot. And if you think you can make me not write anymore, you are so damn wrong. There are many great, smart and helpful people here and I receive useful tips from them in DM everyday and I am very grateful to them.
People like you will always be miserable bullies. I won’t even bother reading your nonsense.
If this is your attitude your are not qualified to be a resident in medicine. Come to a public forum ask for public opinions get one and then reply "stay in your lane bully"? For being 'old and broke' you really should try to grow up.
So, I'm bullying this person by suggesting that the average program director with an open slot that might be considering them, may not find the statement "I'm getting old and broke" to be a compelling and appropriate way to state their interest in the job?

Is this language you would ever use in your own job hunt? This just seems like common sense that this isn't a good way to sell yourself.

People might disagree but I don't see how suggesting otherwise is bullying. Seems like some tender sensibilities if so.

Good luck to anyone using this kind of angle to get hired somewhere.
If this is your attitude your are not qualified to be a resident in medicine. Come to a public forum ask for public opinions get one and then reply "stay in your lane bully"? For being 'old and broke' you really should try to grow up.
You are basically a bully. Who are you to tell anyone whether they are qualified or not? You are a pathetic bully who has nothing better to do than go around in residency forums and tell people they are not qualified while you are mentally unfit to work in any capacity in healthcare. You are a bully who likes to find someone who you think might feel insecure and then pick on them and discharge your internal rage. Go see a therapist.
You are basically a bully. Who are you to tell anyone whether they are qualified or not? You are a pathetic bully who has nothing better to do than go around in residency forums and tell people they are not qualified while you are mentally unfit to work in any capacity in healthcare. You are a bully who likes to find someone who you think might feel insecure and then pick on them and discharge your internal rage. Go see a therapist.
Uh huh. Thank you for proving my point. Bye Felicia.
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