Pharm Tech Certification

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May 22, 2013
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Hi Guys I will be in my 2nd year this fall. I was wondering which is the best book and the easiest way to obtain Pharm Tech Certification. I have no pharmacy experience whatsoever. I barely know the generic names of drugs so basically I need to be spoon fed every single bit of information on that exam. Please recommend those kind of books and any advice for the exam? Thanks A Lot

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Many threads on this. Just buy mosby book and study for few days. Know calculations and law. Nice to know some medication brand and geneeric. Not necessary though. Take PTCB test
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Yes, Mosbey is the best book out of all of them. I have access to all of them, but it's the most comprehensive and helpful. I also have 300 flash cards I flip through when I'm stuck at random boring things (it's the best way for me to get the information set in my head, that I haven't already had to interact with in my externships)
Take the Cert test through the PTCB, they are at Pearson test centers. I'm taking mine next month, hopefully. I'm trying to get it done on a break between classes so that all my stress can go to just the test. My current school pays the fee and it's been like pulling teeth to get them to do things when I want to do them (their set up is so goofy and I've been trying to point out to them what will benefit the students).

My current hospital instructor took the test after doing a 11 week class and agreed that Mosbey helps.

Top 100 (200 not really necessary), medical law, pharmacy math. The tests are randomly put together so you may have more math questions while someone else might have only a couple.

Good luck!