Pharmacy interviews

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Derrick Sarfo

New Member
Aug 4, 2023
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Hi all, I’m applying to pharmacy schools and would like to have a mock interview. Anyone interested in helping

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If you have a pulse you’ll basically get in. Do. Not. Do. Pharmacy. School. Seriously.
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I would go to your local CVS and ask for a mock workday to see how you like it.

Then imagine doing that for the next 30 years.

That is what the average pharmacist has to go through. Not the BS exceptional stories about those who landed unicorn industry, hospital, or insurance jobs because those are the rare exception.

Still want to go to pharmacy school?
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I would go to your local CVS and ask for a mock workday to see how you like it.

Then imagine doing that for the next 30 years.

That is what the average pharmacist has to go through. Not the BS exceptional stories about those who landed unicorn industry, hospital, or insurance jobs because those are the rare exception.

Still want to go to pharmacy school?
Unicorn pharmer here, have to agree. Do not, I repeat do not do this unless you are ok with slaving away at CVS or Walgreens for 40$ an hour or less.
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Hey Derrick, all the above pharmacists are not just burned out, old timers(that's me) trying to keep you out of a lucrative, exciting field! Most are successful, professionals. Pharmacy has provided me with a wonderful lifestyle. I have made a lot of money, working as a clinical pharmacist for over 37 years. But I started pharmacy school 42 years ago!!! Things have changed a tiny bit, since then!

DO NOT GO TO PHARMACY SCHOOL! That would be the consensus on this forum.

If you are going, anyway, here are some mock admission questions:
1) Can you qualify for $200,000 to $300,000 student loans?
2) after graduation, are you willing to relocate to some far out location to work at a retail chain for $40/hr?

As Pharmacy School enrollment is dropping every year, A yes, will get you in, guaranteed.
Good luck to you.
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You can delude yourself- as many would be pharmacy students do- that your outcome will somehow be different. But seriously. Just don't do it. Run away and don't look back,
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Keep it up gang! Ensure our scarcity and get some more mock pharmacy schools close

Now when it’s time for all of us to retire, we reverse the strategy and show our hipocracy

*I’m sorry, many of us here are just trying to shed some reality on how this profession has gone to trash (work conditions mostly) at least on the retail level due to corporate greed
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If you hate your future self you should go to pharmacy school
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Hi all, I’m applying to pharmacy schools and would like to have a mock interview. Anyone interested in helping
I interviewed potential pharmacy students for a local pharmacy school a few times in the past. DM me if you want some insights.