PhD in health outcomes.. need help

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May 25, 2018
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Hi everyone
I am applying for PhD health outcomes research for fall 2022
I am MBBS, MD from India and working in pharmaceutical industry since 1 year
My GRE is 312
GPA 3.4/4
Have international publications, poster presentation, teaching experience, and 3 yrs industry experience
I am currently looking for
UT Austin
West Virginia university
U of maryland
U of arizona
U of Texas, houston
U of Arizona
Can u suggest if my credentials would fetch me a seat in one of these ?
And can I go for a better university too ?
please advise..

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No will get into one of these programs.. and they prefer pharma industry experience.. your gpa is low but gre is okay....
Things are complicated now due to pandemic. Universities are getting 3/4 times more applicant than usual. If you have money/free application then why not! But do not get ambitious/hopeful that these schools will accept you. Health related fields particularly getting huge applications....make sure that the degree you're applying are STEM compliance...