Phd In public health

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anyone got into this program without having a master or a doctorate first?
please share if you did? is it possible to just go in to the doctorate program just like a regular phD in science or you must have a master.


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nonito said:
anyone got into this program without having a master or a doctorate first?
please share if you did? is it possible to just go in to the doctorate program just like a regular phD in science or you must have a master.



I applied for the masters program originally straight out of undergrad, but some schools tried to get me to go straight for my PhD. So to answer your question, yes it's possible, but a lot depends on your concentration. For example, I was allowed to enter Health Policy as a PhD student without too much trouble, but for Health Economics it was much harder and they really recommended I have a masters degree first. I'd suggest you ask your individual school and department, because the answers will vary. I hope this helps!
AspiringDoctor9 said:

I applied for the masters program originally straight out of undergrad, but some schools tried to get me to go straight for my PhD. So to answer your question, yes it's possible, but a lot depends on your concentration. For example, I was allowed to enter Health Policy as a PhD student without too much trouble, but for Health Economics it was much harder and they really recommended I have a masters degree first. I'd suggest you ask your individual school and department, because the answers will vary. I hope this helps!

thanks a bunch,
if you don't mind me asking which school, did ask you to get a master first?
also is it like a regular phD were you don't have to pay and you have stipend?

In my program (epi), students can apply to the phd but are encouraged to have a master's beforehand. But, many MS students are accepted right out of undergrad with the intention that they will go one to get the phd after they finish the master's requirements.