PhORCAS Pharmacy License Info

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Jan 2, 2017
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If you're applying to a PGY1 program, do you need to list your intern licenses on the portal on the left hand side under "change license information"? I submitted my applications but noticed this yesterday... and from what I remember, it bypasses you once you have declared you are applying for a PGY1 program. Can someone shed some light on this?

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If you're applying to a PGY1 program, do you need to list your intern licenses on the portal on the left hand side under "change license information"? I submitted my applications but noticed this yesterday... and from what I remember, it bypasses you once you have declared you are applying for a PGY1 program. Can someone shed some light on this?

I did not see that either - I have talked to two of my friends who are applying who also did not see it. I called PhORCAS, and it seems that I was able to update and input my intern license information. I was told by PhORCAS (after the fact) that this sends notifications to each program. I was then worried, as the majority of the programs that I applied to had deadlines that had already passed. Does anyone know if this is a big concern? I know that license information is not required information, however, I am still a little worried. I have been told that programs can use the information entered into PhORCAS to "sort out" applicants (i.e. GPA > 3.7, at least 1 publication, etc.). I was wondering if programs also sort with the license information? Thank you.