Physical therapy school and depression

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Escape artist
Moderator Emeritus
15+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2007
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I'm starting physical therapy school in a few days and I'm becoming depressed. I've had depression before and recently managed to get it under control but the ways I previously controlled it aren't working anymore. I'm not sure if I can make it through this first semester (and future semesters) of physical therapy school while trying to fight off this depression. We already have assignments and I'm having trouble focusing. I don't have any experience with how stressful or time consuming graduate school is and how much it can take out of you. For students who are in grad school or people who have graduated do you think I should try to stick it out? I feel like it would be beneficial to take a year off from school but I don't want to lose my spot in my physical therapy school and risk not getting into another program if I reapply again. I like the program I'm in, have a scholarship, and the tuition is low. I'm also worried that going to grad school now will make my depression worse and that's something I don't want to happen. Did you find that grad school was very emotionally challenging in ways that would possibly worsen depression?
thank you for any help

SDN is not for medical advice, but I would strongly recommend you urgently seek mental health advice and counseling. No new educational program is easy to start and it would be best for you to be properly evaluated and therapy started as soon as possible.

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STRONGLY agree with Tildy. Do NOT simply "stick it out". You have an illness that is quite capable of killing your professional career at this point. Would you "stick it out" if you were going into renal or congestive heart failure.

Take a leave of absence and get healed first.

SDN is not for medical advice, but I would strongly recommend you urgently seek mental health advice and counseling. No new educational program is easy to start and it would be best for you to be properly evaluated and therapy started as soon as possible.
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