General Physics 2 (Online Summer C or Traditional Summer B)

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Oct 27, 2013
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Hello and hope everyone is having a great day! I just wanted some advice on what to do about my little predicament. I just finished Physics 1 at my main university and am planning to take Physics 2 at the university back in my hometown over the summer. Both are state universities, so my advisor said it should not look bad on med school applications, but there are only two courses for Physics 2 offered at my hometown university - Summer A (online only) or Summer B (traditional classroom setting). Which one would you recommend? Does one look worse than the other to medical schools? Has anyone done an online physics course and has good experiences? Thanks to anyone who answers on this thread!

Summer B traditional classroom setting.

Online classes, notably regarding pre-reqs. They are frowned upon, and some schools outright do not accept online pre-reqs.

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Thank you for your reply! I was mistaken though, the online course is over Summer C, but the traditional course is still over Summer B. I'm worried because I have heard that the short time frame of Summer B looks bad. Is this the case?

I have not personally heard of that issue, but even if it was, it's still the better option than online (also in a short timeframe block - double whammy right there). Go the traditional in classroom route since it's an option.
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