Pitt DPT 2022-2023 Cycle

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Apr 18, 2022
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Hey Everyone,

I did not see a Pitt DPT thread for this cycle!

I am going to be submitting my application soon and would love to hear from other applicants when they are applying and if they have heard back!

I am applying from the MidWest but have never lived near Pittsburgh itself. Is anyone in a similar situation?

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Hey I just applied a couple weeks ago and have yet to hear back! Keep me updated on if you hear anything; good luck!
Hello from the PNW :) I submitted my application on 9/1 and got a confirmation email from the school on 9/7. best of luck to everyone applying!
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I got an email back from them a little while ago saying that some people would be offered early acceptance offers in October, did anyone else get that?
I got an email back from them a little while ago saying that some people would be offered early acceptance offers in October, did anyone else get that?
Yeah I also remember them saying that in a previous email! Anxiously waiting for October to come...
This week is very nerve racking!!!
I hope we get accepted this week
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Just received acceptance via email this morning!
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Could you guys let me know what email you received your acceptance from? Also, CONGRATS!!!
Thank you so much. I would assume that those of us who did not get an offer today did not get into their early offer program.

Again, congrats to the two that made it in! So SO SO happy for you both!!
I would think so too... more waiting for us haha!
No but based on last years thread, second round of acceptances should come out just after thanksgiving.
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I called and was told that they will be sending out their next round of admissions "within the next week" and another round during mid-december. Hope this helps! This was for hybrid, not entirely sure if its the same for residential but I would assume so.
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I called and was told that they will be sending out their next round of admissions "within the next week" and another round during mid-december. Hope this helps! This was for hybrid, not entirely sure if its the same for residential but I would assume so.
Awesome, thanks so much!!
Just got accepted into the hybrid program today!
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Did anybody else get an email saying that they would give you their decision before December 1st?
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I got the email last week saying I’d receive a decision by Dec 1 and then got an email today saying I was waitlisted!
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I was placed in high waitlist today morning, applied to residential
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Has anyone else not received something back yet?
I got an email that I should hear back by December 1st, but still haven't heard anything.

Update: Just got an email saying I'm on the waitlist.
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