Pitt Interview

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15+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2004
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Any of you interviewing at Pitt anytime soon like January 7? Just thot to give out a holla to all you guys and good luck. I've only heard good things about this school and I'm hyped for this.

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youngin said:
Any of you interviewing at Pitt anytime soon like January 7? Just thot to give out a holla to all you guys and good luck. I've only heard good things about this school and I'm hyped for this.

Hey... Do you mind telling me when you were complete? I've been waiting to hear from them, but I haven't yet. I hear it's a great school too! Good luck!
I'll be there Jan. 10. I was complete 9/14 and offered interview 11/18.
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I completed my application mid October, and my date is Feb 1.