Planning on Graduating in Summer 2017 - is it still possible to go to med school in Fall of 2017 ?

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May 20, 2016
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I am currently planning out my courseload for the next year, and I can either take 2 21-hr semesters or take some classes next summer.

Is it possible for me to matriculate in the fall of 2017 if I fill out my applications this summer and graduate in July of 2017?

Thank you!

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You could, yes, but do you really want to go straight to medical school without ANY break in between?
It depends which summer session(s) you take. For my school summer classes are broken up into 2 5 week session. Session one is end of may to july then from july to week before fall semester.
I am currently planning out my courseload for the next year, and I can either take 2 21-hr semesters or take some classes next summer.

Is it possible for me to matriculate in the fall of 2017 if I fill out my applications this summer and graduate in July of 2017?

Thank you!
If you need to take summer coursework next year to qualify for graduation and/or complete prerequisites, be careful not to apply to med schools that start too early in the summer. You must submit a final transcript from your school showing that you qualified for graduation and completed necessary coursework, or most med schools won't allow you to matriculate.