Planning on retaking..used BC only results.

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May 31, 2017
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So before you guys tell me I didn't use BC correctly just know I really did try, I spend my money on it twice and I was really trying to get my moneys worth.

I'm currently planning on retaking the DAT for my 3rd time. I'm going to tell you guys about my personal experience from the past 2 times I've taken it.

A bit about me, I recently graduated this past December. I am a 23-year-old mother of 2 very active toddlers and a wife. I began pursuing dentistry during my junior year in college. My GPA is a 3.3 so my DAT score has to be pretty high to increase my chances of entry in Texas schools.

My first time studying I purchased Bootcamp solely. It was okay but I feel like it was only good enough for the easy questions that they ask you. So the difficulty of the exam varies. There are a few "easy" give away questions. But they also have difficult ones.
During my first DAT I began watching the videos offered by BC I followed by answering questions on both GC and Ochem.
It got to the point where I began memorizing the questions instead of comprehending and a lot of the questions seemed repetitive.

For Biology, I used the notes that BC offered. At this time I felt rushed because I spend a lot of time on GC and Ochem.
My 3-month subscription was ending and I began to panic because I didn't want to spend more money on renewing.
So I crunched my time studying. I scheduled the test for the following month.
During this month I practiced on the QR section by only practicing on the questions BC offered "because they were the most related to the exam". I did this because one guy scored a 19 on the practice exams and scored a 28 on the real thing. I believed that theory and figured that it was enough to stop on the 5th practice exam because I was scoring around 19-20.
This also applied to the RC part. REAL EXAM I SCORED A 15 on QR & RC.

I took the test and began to panic because 75% of the questions I was given did NOT resemble the BC practice exams. I do feel like my nerves were part of the reason I didn't do well but if I was more prepared those nerves would have not existed. I scored a16AA .17AA TS.

After reading so many more success stories on BC somehow I managed to think that I didn't use BC the "right way". So I purchased it again. And well the same thing happened. 17AA. 17TS.

Lets be realistic, BC will not work if you use it alone. You should not pressure yourself into studying those 3 months and thinking you are going to learn everything.

I don't know whyyyyy I didn't use different resources the 2nd time. I think it was because the group had a lot of negative reviews on the destroyer. I guess now I can see why Dr. Romano gets frustrated. I am sure he has heard my story 1000x and is tired of people purchasing the wrong resources. So if his attitude is hurting your feelings and you would rather give away your money to BC go ahead.

Remember you must be prepared for all type of version of the exam. On my first exam the PAT was less difficult compared to the second.

I do plan on purchasing and ONLY using Destroyer and the resources that Dr. Romano provides. I have not applied to the cycle yet. I believe that the "overkill" destroyer questions will prepare me for 75% of the difficult questions on the DAT.

Im retaking the exam Early August, and will post my outcome and all of my scores!

Just an FYI: This is my experience, I am not getting paid to say any of this. I just don't want this to happen again. You should not take the exam more than once.

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Hello! Firstly, I am sorry you had such a poor experience with the DAT. It is truly a challenging exam and once that requires a lot of dedication and effort. It seems like you had both of those things but things still did not pan out. I hope you have better luck the third time with other resources at your disposal.

I do have to say that I disagree with your last statement though. Many, if not the majority of students who have been admitted to dental school, have taken the DAT multiple times. It is an exam that is unlike any other. It is long, draining, and tests on things that most students have never been formally tested on. It should definitely not be taken lightly.

And remember, every student is different in their study habits and the way they learn information. Some students have had success with using BC alone and others like yourself have not. It is highly variable. Regardless, please update us on your experience after you receive your new marks. I am curious to see how you do this time around!
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I’m sorry to hear about your experience and I can so relate to you. I first took the DAT in 2017 and made a 17AA, 16TS, 15PAT. I only used bootcamp. I don’t know if I didn’t put in enough effort it was just not mentally ready to really sit down and focus on learning the material. I then took the dat again doing bootcamp again and only made a 18AA, 17TS, 17PAT.

At this point I had applied 2 cycles with no interviews or anything. I was completely discouraged. I graduated in December 2017 with my BS in Biology with a 3.86 GPA. I didn’t understand why I could make good grades but not do well on the DAT. I do have test anxiety but with all the time I put into studying my scores should have been better.

I knew I wanted to be a dentist and I was not about to give up. I knew I wanted to take the DAT again but I also knew that something had to change.

I started doing some research on alternate DAT prep courses and came across this course called iPrep dental. They claimed that 90% of their students make a 20+ on the DAT. This really caught my attention. The course is $1700 but at this point I was so determined to do well on the DAT I knew that if I put in the time and effort it would pay off.

I started the course at the very end of January 2019 and just took my DAT on May 14th. My scores increased to 21AA, 21TS, 19PAT, 22BIO, 21GenChem, 20 Orgo, 22RC, 21QR.

I don’t know if it’s because I was so determined to do well and actually understand the material or if it’s because the course is taught in a different way, but I can’t say enough good things about iprep. Definitely check it out and see if it’s something you might would consider.

I will say Feralis and DAT destroyer on top of iPrep really helped with BIO 17BIO to 22BIO. I only used iPrep for Gen Chem and Organic. Iprep helped me go from a 15GenChem to a 21GenChem and 13Orgo to a 20Orgo. Iprep and Math Destroyer also helped me go from 16QR to 21QR.

I have nothing against Bootcamp I just don’t think it was the course that was most beneficial to me.

Anyways I just wanted to throw my two cents in.

I wish you the best of luck on your next test! If I can do it, I promise you can too! I’ll be rooting for you!
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I'm sorry to see this.

The first step to doing better is figuring out what went wrong. I've used Bootcamp before and I liked it but I don't think you can do well with it by itself (at least from my experience). There's plenty of good resources out there so i'm sure you'll find the right ones for you. As for the Bootcamp facebook group, I would stay away from it. They've paid lots of people to promote their product in there (heard from a friend who works for them). Here's an example:

Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 5.04.17 PM.png

^ Alex and Justin are employees of DATBootcamp. They've also hired lots of other people to promote their product too so I would strongly recommend staying away from the Bootcamp study group.

Best of luck
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The negative reviews on destroyer is because it doesn't resemble the DAT exam questions, however when it comes to actual content I would say destroyer covers more than bootcamp. I think many of the people who just used bootcamp already had a strong grasp on the DAT subjects. I'm not saying bootcamp is a bad resource, but it's like studying for the SAT by only taking practice exams.
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I'm sorry to see this.

The first step to doing better is figuring out what went wrong. I've used Bootcamp before and I liked it but I don't think you can do well with it by itself (at least from my experience). There's plenty of good resources out there so i'm sure you'll find the right ones for you. As for the Bootcamp facebook group, I would stay away from it. They've paid lots of people to promote their product in there (heard from a friend who works for them). Here's an example:

View attachment 263310
^ Alex and Justin are employees of DATBootcamp. They've also hired lots of other people to promote their product too so I would strongly recommend staying away from the Bootcamp study group.

Best of luck

Wow no wonder why I see people constantly promoting BC like it's some sort of heroin in that group. Is that even legal? Why doesn't anyone call them out for that?