Plastic surgeon probed after wife dies on his operating table, with 911 call saying she was ‘overmedicated’

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Jan 31, 2010
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Everyone thinks they can play anesthesiologist. This one probably sounds like murder with feigned "overmedication". What is up with plastic surgeons specifically. They have an unusual over-representation of bad behavior and medical mishaps.

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Season 4 of Dr Death

Although you probably have to kill/maim more people to qualify
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I would like more details. What was the procedure he was performing? What medication did he run out of (seems highly suspicious) and what did he switch to? Needs more info.
At best:

He was performing and supervising anesthesia services himself lmao
He’s actually legit plastic surgeon. Not shady.

I don’t know what he was thinking

Horrible lack in judgment.

But I’ve seen docs do procedures on their siblings , wives etc.

My friend did colonscopy on his own mother. No charge !

My other friend did pop block on his wife. Another did epidural on his wife. Twice.

My plastic surgeon friend has done minor Cosmetic procedures on his wife also. With local.


Legit plastic surgeon.. like Geoffrey Kim.

This dude does some shoddy ****, kills his wife and thinks everything was done appropriately. Yet "oversedated" leading to "seizure" and cardiac arrest with a medication that was an alternate because he didnt have his usual ones. I can bet u if an anesthesiologist was involved 99.9% chance woman would be alive today. Prison is where this guy needs to spend a few years.

The ****ing arrogance of some surgeons is unbelievable. Doing surgery while doping up the patient without adequate monitoring, supervision and personnel is NOT an acceptable standard of care.
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The question is it just felony bad judgement coupled with gross incompetence.....Or is it premeditated murder? Anyone with any brains must strongly suspect the latter.
Anyone with any brains, and I assume a plastic surgeon has his share, could come up with a better may to unalive someone. Best case scenario it hurts his career prospects but he otherwise gets away with it. Middle scenerio he loses his medical license but isn’t charged with a crime. Worst case scenario he gets life in prison. The best case scenario seems the least likely I think, so if he’s a killer, he had a bad plan.

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Legit plastic surgeon.. like Geoffrey Kim.

This dude does some shoddy ****, kills his wife and thinks everything was done appropriately. Yet "oversedated" leading to "seizure" and cardiac arrest with a medication that was an alternate because he didnt have his usual ones. I can bet u if an anesthesiologist was involved 99.9% chance woman would be alive today. Prison is where this guy needs to spend a few years.

The ****ing arrogance of some surgeons is unbelievable. Doing surgery while doping up the patient without adequate monitoring, supervision and personnel is NOT an acceptable standard of care.
Lots of plastics surgeons have complaints. It’s the nature of the business. Almost everyone of my plastic surgeon friend has had at least one or two malpractice lawsuits in their career. It goes with the territory.

Again. I am not defending him. I’m said the media sensationalist nature tries to paint things in a different light. He made huge error. Local anesthetic toxicity.

Plastics and other surgeons always ask me if they are not sure about the max dosage especially when we use exparel plus bup in our own local

I think we are quick to criticize (and everyone has a right to criticize). It’s horrible horrible judgment on his part.

But we have seen other plastic surgeons cause local toxicity during procedures on non family members as well

This dude wasn’t even a plastic surgeons and cause death in patient having liposuction. He didn’t even do a plastics fellowship

Guess what? He’s still practicing !!

And he’s the medical director still

Anyone with any brains, and I assume a plastic surgeon has his share, could come up with a better may to unalive someone. Best case scenario it hurts his career prospects but he otherwise gets away with it. Middle scenerio he loses his medical license but isn’t charged with a crime. Worst case scenario he gets life in prison. The best case scenario seems the least likely I think, so if he’s a killer, he had a bad plan.

I agree. This is likely incompetence and arrogance rather than premeditated murder. I've said this a million times already, everybody thinks they know more about anesthesja than the anesthesiologist. This surgeon ob iously thought that. Who needs an anesthesiologist? Now his three young stepchildren are motherless. A preventable tragedy
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Can his kids sue him for malpractice and collect from the insurance company?
Second marriage. She had 3 kids with another guy.

Looks like he had 2 kids of his own.

So if he’s getting sued. It would be by his deceased wife parents on behalf of the her 3 biological children.

They been married 2 years from the looks of it

So I don’t think he was some playboy plastic surgeon like some of my divorce friends where the women get younger and younger with no baggage
Second marriage. She had 3 kids with another guy.

Looks like he had 2 kids of his own.

So if he’s getting sued. It would be by his deceased wife parents on behalf of the her 3 biological children.

They been married 2 years from the looks of it

So I don’t think he was some playboy plastic surgeon like some of my divorce friends where the women get younger and younger with no baggage

She’s doesn’t sound right in her head either way.

That first picture in the article did throw me for a loop….
She’s doesn’t sound right in her head either way.

That first picture in the article did throw me for a loop….
All these TikTok instagram fillers these gen z and millennials use on social media these days to make themselves look pretty and desirable. And more clicks and likes obviously.
The question is it just felony bad judgement coupled with gross incompetence.....Or is it premeditated murder? Anyone with any brains must strongly suspect the latter.

Why bother murder? They only married for 2 years. No biological children. Divorce will not cost him much.

A big life insurance? It will be too obvious.
I've heard of worse ways to murder your spouse.
While SCUBA diving like that woman 20 years ago or so. That had to be horrible.

And this story is awful. I wouldn't think of taking care of family or even a really good friend. One of my close friends (a surgeon) had surgery, and she didn't want me to do her anesthesia (I was fine with not doing her case), and she said she wouldn't do surgery on me for reasons of potentially clouded judgement in an emergency.
While SCUBA diving like that woman 20 years ago or so. That had to be horrible.

And this story is awful. I wouldn't think of taking care of family or even a really good friend. One of my close friends (a surgeon) had surgery, and she didn't want me to do her anesthesia (I was fine with not doing her case), and she said she wouldn't do surgery on me for reasons of potentially clouded judgement in an emergency.

I went to medical school with a guy whose dad did a hysterectomy on his mom. They were from a small town in western New York and he said his dad didn’t trust anyone else to do it. I question the dad’s judgement.
Anyone with any brains, and I assume a plastic surgeon has his share, could come up with a better may to unalive someone. Best case scenario it hurts his career prospects but he otherwise gets away with it. Middle scenerio he loses his medical license but isn’t charged with a crime. Worst case scenario he gets life in prison. The best case scenario seems the least likely I think, so if he’s a killer, he had a bad plan.
It’s Florida, so I wouldn’t be surprised if your “best case” scenario is what happens.

You’d be surprised how much it takes to get a doctor’s license yanked in some states, especially south of the mason-dixon.
Why bother murder? They only married for 2 years. No biological children. Divorce will not cost him much.

A big life insurance? It will be too obvious.
Correct. New Florida divorce laws signed by desantis eliminates lifetime alimony
Eliminates alimony for short term marriages and child support isn’t much even if he has kid with her. Obviously no biological children with her.

So no financial motive. He’s not killing her for a 1-2 million dollar policy when he can make that easily in 2-4 years (post tax)

Just a dumb decision by him.
Ran out of propofol and decided to use Sux.

If intentional, I was thinking sux then when she started breathing again he pushed roc.

If we are assuming no malice, are we attributing this to duncical folly? Like the nurse who overrode multiple safety nets and then couldn't be bothered to look at a label for like half a second and gave a poor patient vec instead of versed. All vecuronium I had ever seen needs to be reconstituted so that's an additional step to pause and consider the situation.

Juries don't have the stomach to throw the book at anyone with medical training. Just ask Dr. Kim, his lapdog Meeker, Michael Jacksons doc, or the countless others who think giving anesthesia is safe or simple in the hands of untrained professionals.

Is the moral of the story that one better have medical training prior to appearing before a jury on murder charges?
I wonder what med he ran out of and had to use the alternate? Lido tumescent? So he used bupi instead???

At least locally, seeing shortages of local anesthetics, especially epi containing things. Our hospital is keeping Exparel on hand because they can't get bupivacaine with epi.
At least locally, seeing shortages of local anesthetics, especially epi containing things. Our hospital is keeping Exparel on hand because they can't get bupivacaine with epi.
They would rather spend a couple hundred bucks for Exparel instead of having someone add a small dose of epi to their otherwise plain bupi? Next time your group is up for hospital negotiations remind them of this.
They would rather spend a couple hundred bucks for Exparel instead of having someone add a small dose of epi to their otherwise plain bupi? Next time your group is up for hospital negotiations remind them of this.
Something-something policy/compounding/safety but yes
They would rather spend a couple hundred bucks for Exparel instead of having someone add a small dose of epi to their otherwise plain bupi? Next time your group is up for hospital negotiations remind them of this.

It also annoyed me when they would ask me how much medications for the max dose of local and what day to put on the exparel bracelet. I'm not giving the meds so why are you trying to involve me? If you aren't familiar with the medication then don't give it.
Correct. New Florida divorce laws signed by desantis eliminates lifetime alimony
Eliminates alimony for short term marriages and child support isn’t much even if he has kid with her. Obviously no biological children with her.

So no financial motive. He’s not killing her for a 1-2 million dollar policy when he can make that easily in 2-4 years (post tax)

Just a dumb decision by him.

Agree, the article also states he had done work on her before so this dynamic wasn't anything out of the ordinary for them apparently. Likely just a combination of stinginess in not wanting to pay someone to perform the anesthesia and the arrogance of believing he could safely do it himself, I mean anesthesia is just scrolling on their phone half the case anyways so how hard could it be?!
It also annoyed me when they would ask me how much medications for the max dose of local and what day to put on the exparel bracelet. I'm not giving the meds so why are you trying to involve me? If you aren't familiar with the medication then don't give it.
I got asked this by surgeons for every local anesthetic in residency, and I continue to often get asked how much someone can get even of standard (non-Exparel) locals.
Agree, the article also states he had done work on her before so this dynamic wasn't anything out of the ordinary for them apparently. Likely just a combination of stinginess in not wanting to pay someone to perform the anesthesia and the arrogance of believing he could safely do it himself, I mean anesthesia is just scrolling on their phone half the case anyways so how hard could it be?!

It’s hard especially during November and December, with all the stuff that I want to buy…..

For those who are too cheap to hire proper professionals. You get what you pay for….

The other plastic surgeon paid for a CRNA, gets 15 days.
This one didn’t pay for anyone, probably a few years and a lifelong of regard for killing his wife.
we always get into disagreements with plastics regarding max local dose. they all say their teaching is it is NOT ADDITIVE. as in they reach max dose of lido, and can then give max dose of bupi, etc. in my teaching, we always taught, assume its additive.
we always get into disagreements with plastics regarding max local dose. they all say their teaching is it is NOT ADDITIVE. as in they reach max dose of lido, and can then give max dose of bupi, etc. in my teaching, we always taught, assume its additive.
Tell the surgeon that for the anesthesia they owe you 1000 dollars… but also 900 Euro and 20,000 pesos
we always get into disagreements with plastics regarding max local dose. they all say their teaching is it is NOT ADDITIVE. as in they reach max dose of lido, and can then give max dose of bupi, etc. in my teaching, we always taught, assume its additive.

They are idiots if they don't think it is additive
At least locally, seeing shortages of local anesthetics, especially epi containing things. Our hospital is keeping Exparel on hand because they can't get bupivacaine with epi.

We can’t get bupiv 0.25% with epi so we just add epi to a vial of plain bupiv.