Tragedy as 2 year old left in hot car dies, husband charged with 1st degree murder, wife is an anesthesiologist.

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1. Previous dui
2. Teenage kid from another relationship said he did the same thing leave her when she was younger in the xae
3. His current wife text acknowledging he drinks too much and has left the kid in the car multiple times.

She’s 35 and he’s 37. Probably met the dude on tinder. He’s got another kid already.

If I were Alvin Bragg DA for manhattan New York. I’d be just as aggressive as Bragg when he went after trump. And charge the mom anesthesia doc for neglect as well. She knew he has a drinking problem and previously endangers the children.
I must say a lot of women are desperate these days because the dating pool is not that good.

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His daughter had to live with him and his anesthesiologist second wife and things got so bad, CPS got involved. When her mother died, full custody went to her mother’s best friend.

Honestly not a great look for Erica Scholtes, the anesthesiologist. If a child is judged not safe to life in your home it means you’re complicit 100%.
That guy is a piece of work.

Anyone here works with that Anesthesiologist?
He looks like a f*ckboy and we all know a lot of girls are drawn to them. So I don't feel bad for either of them (except for their dead daughter).

The guy deserves jail time for being a POS and the anesthesiologists deserves it for picking a bad partner. There is no way red flags were not evident before all this happened and before she took him for a husband.
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