Please guide me on my schedule- Panicking :(

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7+ Year Member
Oct 21, 2015
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Hello Everyone,

I have been doing content review (along with Pankow and Miles down Anki) and UGLOBE questions here and there (not nearly enough) for the past 3 months or so. I took the AAMC Scored Sample last month and got a 500. I took the AAMC Unscored Sample a few days ago and scored a 510 (C/P: 40/59, Cars: 46/53, B/BC: 41/59, P/S: 53/59)

I still have some content to finish up (5 OCHEM Chapters, Genetics, and about 10 pages of the P/S Doc), which I plan on getting through this week.

I will have 4 weeks left after this week before my exam (August 24th).

  1. The reason for my worry is that on the two practice tests I have done so far, on the Chem/Physics section, I am straight guessing on 3 passages because I'm running out of time. This is prob due to not being fully comfortable with the content.
  2. Additionally, please advise me on how to spend my last 28 days in terms of resources. Am I on track you think to score around a 510 on the real deal? And is this enough time to fix my chem/physics woes?
I'm so scared right now and feel lost because I did not do enough UWORLD at all, and so a friend suggested I spend 2 weeks doing a mix of UWORLD and the section bank and then the last 2 weeks just exclusively focus on the section bank, and ignore the q-packs entirely.

Any advice would be so appreciated. I just want to do my best. Thanks A Lot.

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CP and Bio are where you can grab the most points. You can use Uworld and the AAMC material to expose yourself to more topics and fill in any gaps. C/P is usually the most straightforward science section on the MCAT, so you are missing some content that would enable you to zoom through it quickly. Space out your practice exams and give yourself enough time to learn more C/P and Bio.