Please help me decide: AZCOM vs. CCOM vs. DMU vs. OSU

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May 15, 2005
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So far I have interviewed at AZCOM, CCOM, and DMU and been accepted at all 3. I have been offered an interview at OSU-COM and am putting it off for now but may interview in January (I can't miss any more school this semester after taking five interview trips).

In order, here are the things I'm looking for in a school:
1) Success on boards (avg board score compared to nat'l avg, avg pass rate)
2) Success in match (specifically EM and anesthesiology, my two primary interests if I don't go FP)
3) Quality of rotations
4) Location (closer to the Northwest or in a big city = good)
5) Quality of life during school (is it a nice city? how do students get along?, etc.)

Cost is the same for each school basically (maybe a little less for DMU/OSU than AZCOM/CCOM but not enough to make a difference). If I were to get a scholarship at DMU (I know 1/4, 1/2 and full scholarships are offered) that might have an impact on my decision.

Right now, I am thinking AZCOM is for me. Highest pass rate other than maybe OSU (basically 100); from what I've heard, the highest average board score (I cannot confirm this with numbers because as far as I know these numbers do not exist/are not released). Even though the school is new, and that is supposedly a knock on them, they matched better in EM (11.6% of residencies) and gas (7.8%) this year than CCOM, DMU, or OSU-COM. It is my favorite location simply because it is in a cool city (Phoenix) and (relatively) close to the Portland/Seattle area.

The biggest "issue" with AZCOM is the rotation situation. I have heard different things from students ranging from: "It's great to be able to schedule your own rotations" to "It sucks that we have to move around every 6 weeks." I am very interested in ending up in the NW again, so I think this flexibility may actually be a plus. Additionally, I know with the legislation passing in Arizona, there is supposed to be some improvement in the rotation opportunities for AZCOM in the traditionally Univ. of Arizona-held rotations. Nonetheless, this is still somewhat a concern for me.

Can anyone help offer things I should consider as I make this huge decision? It is great to have a choice like this! These are all awesome schools.

Thanks so much!

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okayplayer said:
AZCOM, CCOM, and DMU ..........OSU-COM

okayplayer said:
In order, here are the things I'm looking for in a school:
1) Success on boards (avg board score compared to nat'l avg, avg pass rate)

between these 4, none should be an issue, but I'm biased towards OSU-COM since that's where I go.

okayplayer said:
2) Success in match (specifically EM and anesthesiology, my two primary interests if I don't go FP)

I don't know about anesthesiology, or Allo EM programs, but OSU-COM has 3 Osteo EM programs within 4 hours of here, 1 in tulsa, 1 in OKC, 1 in Joplin, not to mention Southwest in Dallas which is an Allo, the OKC and Tulsa EM programs are highly dominated by OSU grads., if I run across anesthesiology numbers, i'll post them later.

okayplayer said:
3) Quality of rotations

this is a tough one to answer since quality on rotations is highly subjective and highly dependent on the Docs on the rotations, OSU has a good set of rotations, out of 22 months, 12 are set up for us, and besides some of the FM rotations out in the middle of nowhere, they are for the most part excellent rotations,

okayplayer said:
4) Location (closer to the Northwest or in a big city = good)

obviously OSU is last in this catagory.

okayplayer said:
5) Quality of life during school (is it a nice city? how do students get along?, etc.)

from the conventions and things i've been to, I don't think this will be a problem at any school, for 1) you wont have much time to enjoy the city, i've lived in tulsa for 2 years and besides the things I really enjoy doing, I did not have or take (namely cause what i did take the time to do was what i really enjoyed doing) to learn the city

okayplayer said:
The biggest "issue" with AZCOM is the rotation situation. I have heard different things from students ranging from: "It's great to be able to schedule your own rotations" to "It sucks that we have to move around every 6 weeks." I am very interested in ending up in the NW again, so I think this flexibility may actually be a plus. Additionally, I know with the legislation passing in Arizona, there is supposed to be some improvement in the rotation opportunities for AZCOM in the traditionally Univ. of Arizona-held rotations. Nonetheless, this is still somewhat a concern for me.

again, this would be subjective, I wouldn't want to set up all of my rotations, especially when paying that much money for an education that they're not helping to further, but that's just me, so it would depend on how well you are at networking and setting up good rotations

okayplayer said:
Can anyone help offer things I should consider as I make this huge decision? It is great to have a choice like this! These are all awesome schools.

Thanks so much!

so basically, i've got nothing to really help your choice, other than perhaps a link to ask the magic 8 ball (click the pic)

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Hernandez said:
between these 4, none should be an issue, but I'm biased towards OSU-COM since that's where I go.

I don't know about anesthesiology, or Allo EM programs, but OSU-COM has 3 Osteo EM programs within 4 hours of here, 1 in tulsa, 1 in OKC, 1 in Joplin, not to mention Southwest in Dallas which is an Allo, the OKC and Tulsa EM programs are highly dominated by OSU grads., if I run across anesthesiology numbers, i'll post them later.

this is a tough one to answer since quality on rotations is highly subjective and highly dependent on the Docs on the rotations, OSU has a good set of rotations, out of 22 months, 12 are set up for us, and besides some of the FM rotations out in the middle of nowhere, they are for the most part excellent rotations,

obviously OSU is last in this catagory.

from the conventions and things i've been to, I don't think this will be a problem at any school, for 1) you wont have much time to enjoy the city, i've lived in tulsa for 2 years and besides the things I really enjoy doing, I did not have or take (namely cause what i did take the time to do was what i really enjoyed doing) to learn the city

again, this would be subjective, I wouldn't want to set up all of my rotations, especially when paying that much money for an education that they're not helping to further, but that's just me, so it would depend on how well you are at networking and setting up good rotations

so basically, i've got nothing to really help your choice, other than perhaps a link to ask the magic 8 ball (click the pic)

4 programs as of next year. (2 in Oklahoma City)
okayplayer said:
So far I have interviewed at AZCOM, CCOM, and DMU and been accepted at all 3. I have been offered an interview at OSU-COM and am putting it off for now but may interview in January (I can't miss any more school this semester after taking five interview trips).

In order, here are the things I'm looking for in a school:
1) Success on boards (avg board score compared to nat'l avg, avg pass rate)
2) Success in match (specifically EM and anesthesiology, my two primary interests if I don't go FP)
3) Quality of rotations
4) Location (closer to the Northwest or in a big city = good)
5) Quality of life during school (is it a nice city? how do students get along?, etc.)

Cost is the same for each school basically (maybe a little less for DMU/OSU than AZCOM/CCOM but not enough to make a difference). If I were to get a scholarship at DMU (I know 1/4, 1/2 and full scholarships are offered) that might have an impact on my decision.

Right now, I am thinking AZCOM is for me. Highest pass rate other than maybe OSU (basically 100); from what I've heard, the highest average board score (I cannot confirm this with numbers because as far as I know these numbers do not exist/are not released). Even though the school is new, and that is supposedly a knock on them, they matched better in EM (11.6% of residencies) and gas (7.8%) this year than CCOM, DMU, or OSU-COM. It is my favorite location simply because it is in a cool city (Phoenix) and (relatively) close to the Portland/Seattle area.

The biggest "issue" with AZCOM is the rotation situation. I have heard different things from students ranging from: "It's great to be able to schedule your own rotations" to "It sucks that we have to move around every 6 weeks." I am very interested in ending up in the NW again, so I think this flexibility may actually be a plus. Additionally, I know with the legislation passing in Arizona, there is supposed to be some improvement in the rotation opportunities for AZCOM in the traditionally Univ. of Arizona-held rotations. Nonetheless, this is still somewhat a concern for me.

Can anyone help offer things I should consider as I make this huge decision? It is great to have a choice like this! These are all awesome schools.

Thanks so much!

At AZCOM you have to set up your own rotations, and incur many travel expenses.

At OSU-COM you are provided rotations with most of them drivable from Tulsa or Oklahoma City. In addition, if you choose to do your rotations in Okahoma City, housing is provided for the core rotations.

OSU-COM has a vast number of residencies, and AZCOM's are very minimal.
Go to OSU! It's just much cooler and we have a 4-5 (four wins, 5 losses) football team to root for this year! Does AZCOM have a 4-5 football team, or any football team, I don't think so! And don't forget the Tulsa Oktoberfest (AKA drunken medical students dancing on tables) that is within stumbling distance of the school every year. Also, Friday is "clothing optional" for OMT Lab, just to let you know. ;)

But seriously, its the greatest med school know to man! (Too much of an overstatement? Nah, just Right) :D

I think you will make the right decision.

GO Pokes (OSU 24 Texas Tech 17)

The Mish
Hi okayplayer,

I am from Portland, Or. and have to make the EXACT same decision between schools, except for I added TUCOM and UNECOM. I haven't interviewed at TUCOM yet but right now I am thinking AZCOM (I have been accepted) or UNECOM (I haven't heard back yet).

I interviewed at DMU and I can tell you that DMU and AZCOM are TOTALLY different. AZCOM does not place an emphasis on OMM and DMU intergrates OMM into everthing. I got a good vibe from both places. DMU has the advantage of high end technology, but AZCOM seems to get down to business better (geterdone). I kind of thought it was weird that DMU wanted to take my picture and also get a group photo. I kind of felt like I was at summer camp or something - kinda kiddy-like.

I'm not sure if I will interview at CCOM as the program is similar to AZCOM and I'd rather be in Phoenix than in Chicago.
hi. i am a first year at azcom and i absolutely love it and i think you will too! our faculty are awesome. we have anatomy staff from harvard, yale, hopkins and i can tell you that our curriculum is just as competitive as the top MD schools out there. many of my 3rd and 4th year friends are extremely satisfied with the rotations here. you can stay local if you like, or you can go nearly anywhere. by the time you reach rotations, there won't be any issues whatsoever. but in my opinion, there aren't any issues now. the people i know who have taken both USMLE and COMLEX scored highly on both and have interviewed for competitive residencies. i am from philadelphia and hate the cold weather so i love arizona, plus phoenix is relatively fast paced (like philadelphia), in my opinion, so i feel at home here. good luck in your decision.
For those who like national rankings (I know I do),

OSU-COM is the only of the schools listed nationally ranked by US News & World Report (Family Medicine, Rural Medicine, & Primary Care). They have been consistently ranked over the past several years.

There are some who are bitter about the rankings and say they are "useless", but this response is commonly made from those whose schools are not ranked.

Being ranked among many top-tier allopathic schools = respect.
OSUdoc08 said:
For those who like national rankings (I know I do),

OSU-COM is the only of the schools listed nationally ranked by US News & World Report (Family Medicine, Rural Medicine, & Primary Care). They have been consistently ranked over the past several years.

There are some who are bitter about the rankings and say they are "useless", but this response is commonly made from those whose schools are not ranked.

Being ranked among many top-tier allopathic schools = respect.

I've only checked the list once, but I do remember seeing MSU-COM and WVSOM on the list.
FS-Pro said:
I've only checked the list once, but I do remember seeing MSU-COM and WVSOM on the list.

Yeah they are. MSU-COM has consistently been ranked highly. TCOM also.
okayplayer said:
Right now, I am thinking AZCOM is for me. Highest pass rate other than maybe OSU (basically 100); from what I've heard, the highest average board score (I cannot confirm this with numbers because as far as I know these numbers do not exist/are not released). Even though the school is new, and that is supposedly a knock on them, they matched better in EM (11.6% of residencies) and gas (7.8%) this year than CCOM, DMU, or OSU-COM. It is my favorite location simply because it is in a cool city (Phoenix) and (relatively) close to the Portland/Seattle area.

The biggest "issue" with AZCOM is the rotation situation. I have heard different things from students ranging from: "It's great to be able to schedule your own rotations" to "It sucks that we have to move around every 6 weeks." I am very interested in ending up in the NW again, so I think this flexibility may actually be a plus. Additionally, I know with the legislation passing in Arizona, there is supposed to be some improvement in the rotation opportunities for AZCOM in the traditionally Univ. of Arizona-held rotations. Nonetheless, this is still somewhat a concern for me.

Can anyone help offer things I should consider as I make this huge decision? It is great to have a choice like this! These are all awesome schools.

Thanks so much!

As far as I know... AZCOM students now have full access to all local hospitals (and there are a lot of them!!) it is one of only TWO medical schools in the state, and the ONLY medical school in the 5th largest city in the whole COUNTRY!

Your internships DO NOT have to incur a bunch of expenses. IF you travel, maybe, but you can DO ALL, and I repeat, ALL internships in the Phoenix area if that's what you want to do. You don't have to "set them up," you tell them where you want to go, and they set it up for you where possible.

If you go there, it's practically a guarantee to pass the boards... it's up to you, but it's one of my top choices (maybe even my top choice, actually). I have also been accepted there and would be honored to attend.

But then again, I'd also say OSU is an amazing school, and the others above have given some great points!!

AZCOM over CCOM-- location, location, location!!!