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Jul 28, 2009
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I recently interviewed and was accepted at both PNWU and TUCOM-CA. Both schools had been vying for my favorite for different reasons (location, emphasis on primary care, setting) and in both cases the interview day strengthened my opinions about each school. They both seem like excellent DO programs!

I'm curious what other people think about these two schools, especially their clinical rotations and prospects for residencies affiliated with the schools. In both cases, I thought the staff were fairly ambiguous about 3rd and 4th year options, which I can understand (e.g. not everyone will get their first choice location, not all sites are fully formed or will necessarily still be there in three years, etc) but it would be great to hear from current students about their satisfaction (or lack thereof) with the transition to clinical training.

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Don't know much about Touro, but I currently work at a hospital in Mt. Vernon, WA, where they are adding a residency program within the next couple of years. A D.O. was recently hired by the hospital, primarily to facilitate the residency program.

This July, PNWU started clinical rotations for MS-3's & 4's, here and ~ 12 other core sites. The students I have talked to have had good experiences, but have complained about some kinks (un-motivated preceptors, opportunities for specialty rotations so far unavailble, etc). I have also spoken with several physicians who say their services are unprepared to take on students. NEW PROGRAMS HAVE TO SET THEIR FOUNDATIONS before they are at their best. I assume it is the same with residency programs.
Don't know much about Touro, but I currently work at a hospital in Mt. Vernon, WA, where they are adding a residency program within the next couple of years. A D.O. was recently hired by the hospital, primarily to facilitate the residency program.

This July, PNWU started clinical rotations for MS-3's & 4's, here and ~ 12 other core sites. The students I have talked to have had good experiences, but have complained about some kinks (un-motivated preceptors, opportunities for specialty rotations so far unavailble, etc). I have also spoken with several physicians who say their services are unprepared to take on students. NEW PROGRAMS HAVE TO SET THEIR FOUNDATIONS before they are at their best. I assume it is the same with residency programs.

That was the sort of thing I was worried about. When the dean at PNWU said a number of residency programs were being developed along with the core rotation sites, it sounded both exciting and worrisome. I'm aware of a number of Family Medicine residency programs in WA (through UW, Swedish and Group Health) and would have been heartened to hear of at least some more specific affiliations (e.g. exactly which hospitals, outpatient clinics, community health centers are associated with each site?)

Touro has a list of "Affiliated Hospitals" although they are similarly ambiguous about which ones are "core sites" where you can complete the majority of rotations. I have to admit I'm just beginning to understand how the rotation-to-residency process works, so if I'm way off in my assessment I hope somebody corrects me!
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Hi there!
Terribly sorry for bringing up this old old thread, but I am having the most difficult time with this very question. I've been waitlisted for my #1, but who knows how that will turn out? Anyway, I've basically been trawling sdn as far back as I can, trying to figure out which I'd prefer so I compiled my own little +/- list. Unfortunately, I don't know if I am really up to date on if things have changed considerably from what I've read.

And yes, Sylvanthus and bth7, I have read your older posts. They are helpful! I just sorta wish I could get some more input from others too. :c

So far this is what I've got in terms of +/- for each school:

PNWU (good): close to home, not a whole lot of moving 3rd & 4th year for rotations, I'd think more likely to get residency in the NW(?), 95% pass rate for COMLEX 1

PNWU (not so great): not really great at communicating with students (both listening and notification/instructions), fairly new (so no reputation yet), curriculum sounds a little too focused on clinical care first 2 years leaving little room to prep in basic sciences for COMLEX 1 (though you'd think otherwise with the 95% pass rate).

Touro CA (good): sounds like curriculum is more supportive of basic science first 2 yrs to prep for COMLEX, more established than PNWU, there are other health professions sharing the same campus I think would be cool, I guess Bay Area is great?

Touro CA (not so great): you jump around a lot for rotations (well if you're stuck with staying in Cali it seems), rotation sites can be hit and miss, also seems unresponsive to students, constantly rotating faculty and clinical education doesn't seem to prepare students well?

*Also I loved the faculty and staff at both. I think they're awesome.
*And also PNWU is planning on upping the class size to 135, though they said if they were going to be OK'd this year, they'd only raise it to 100, so it'd be a gradual increase. I don't know how that will affect the education, but it is also slightly worrisome.

I'm unsure of the validity of these +/-'s but that's the overall impression I'm getting. I hope people can help clarify things or add stuff. Thanks guys. I really appreciate it!
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Deja vu! Feel free to PM me with specific questions. I'm very happy with the decision I made to attend Touro, although I miss WA dearly and fully intend to match a residency there. At the time I was deciding, PNWU had it's first class of 3rd years starting rotations, so it was hard to get information about the sites / experiences. Now it seems the school is beginning to prove itself with both the COMLEX pass rate and reputation -- as I assumed it would; the faculty and admin there impressed me very much at my interview.

The second year class at Touro is getting briefed on rotations and I've posted a lot of information on the school-specific thread about this. Mainly that the core rotation site options continue to improve and consolidate... but yes, you would likely be jumping around CA somewhat during third year. Not sure what you mean about rotating faculty but we've had good continuity with basic science, primary care and omm faculty both years.

My real $0.02 looking back on it is that I honestly would've had just as good of an experience at PNWU. I might have had different research opportunities, but otherwise I think I would be at the same point because it's really about the attitude you bring as a student that dictates much of the course of your experience in med school. Good luck with your decision :luck:
I recently interviewed and was accepted at both PNWU and TUCOM-CA. Both schools had been vying for my favorite for different reasons (location, emphasis on primary care, setting) and in both cases the interview day strengthened my opinions about each school. They both seem like excellent DO programs!

I'm curious what other people think about these two schools, especially their clinical rotations and prospects for residencies affiliated with the schools. In both cases, I thought the staff were fairly ambiguous about 3rd and 4th year options, which I can understand (e.g. not everyone will get their first choice location, not all sites are fully formed or will necessarily still be there in three years, etc) but it would be great to hear from current students about their satisfaction (or lack thereof) with the transition to clinical training.

There's a school-specific forum for a reason.