Podcasts for med students applying to psychiatry?

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10+ Year Member
Sep 20, 2011
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I've been asked by med students to recommend podcasts related to psychiatry.

I saw a thread from 2020 that mentioned Puder, Carlat, and some others:

I know of this podcast called On The Mind:

I also found these episodes on youtube that specifically focus on applying and interviewing for psychiatry residencies:

Other suggestions? Thoughts on the examples above?

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Happiness Lab is a little pop psychology, but I do think there are some helpful discussions around some of the psychology research in this domain that can be impactful for psychiatry residents (or med students interested).

10% happier by Dan Harris is a very well done mindfulness focused podcast, it can be a bit in the weeds and I definitely don't listen to all of them, but he does have on some very heavy hitting mindfulness folks. Some of it does not feel the most evidenced based but I still think there is a lot to learn if you are into 3rd wave psychotherapy.
Flourishing After Addiction is great if substance use disorders are something you're interested in.


Hysterical (about a sudden 'outbreak' of highly atypical motor and vocal tics in a small town in NY in the 2010s) is also fascinating for anyone even vaguely interested in psychopathology. It's only eight episodes but definitely worth it.
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