poll: how many times have you taken the mcat?

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Jul 11, 2005
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just out of curiosity :)

it's my first time writing it this summer - hopefully the last

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Wow, I truly admire those of you who have taken it twice or more (and are still gonna take it again). I really wish I had that kind of determination and persistence!

Good luck!
i think it's interesting how 120ish people have looked at this thread and only 25 voted :confused:

if you opened the thread, it takes a second to vote, why not do it???
mandy_848 said:
i think it's interesting how 120ish people have looked at this thread and only 25 voted :confused:

if you opened the thread, it takes a second to vote, why not do it???

Because this poll is strange...I've taken it once and I'm about to take it again so would I vote "twice"? Also, even if it's peoples' first time taking it, they don't know if they'll take it again or not - just don't see how this would help.

Maybe if you posted it for those who are now happy with their scores and are in med school or applying, it would be more relevant.
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mandy_848 said:
i think it's interesting how 120ish people have looked at this thread and only 25 voted :confused:

if you opened the thread, it takes a second to vote, why not do it???

i think you'd be surprised at how many lurkers there are on sdn. i was scared to post for a while, but then i came out of hidin :rolleyes:

i actually sat through 1.5 times-- but if hte aamc says i only took it once, i'm not going to argue with them. hopefully this time around will be better-- 2.5 time's a charm, right?
CoffeeCat said:
Because this poll is strange...I've taken it once and I'm about to take it again so would I vote "twice"? Also, even if it's peoples' first time taking it, they don't know if they'll take it again or not - just don't see how this would help.

Maybe if you posted it for those who are now happy with their scores and are in med school or applying, it would be more relevant.

oh, i thought it was clear: How many times have you takEN the mcat? (as in already completed it in the past - sorry for the confusion)

the question was just out of curiosity - i've heard people say that they would estimate that 50% of people that write the mcat do it at least twice so i was just wondering how it was for people on this forum.
mandy_848 said:
i think it's interesting how 120ish people have looked at this thread and only 25 voted :confused:

if you opened the thread, it takes a second to vote, why not do it???

It's 120 views, not necessarily 120 people. If you clicked the thread a dozen times, and so did several other people, maybe there were only 25 people who looked.
third times a charm baby! i actually wouldnt mind too much if i bombed the MCAT and had to follow a more lucrative and flexible career in vegas. might be more fun.

QofQuimica said:
It's 120 views, not necessarily 120 people. If you clicked the thread a dozen times, and so did several other people, maybe there were only 25 people who looked.
mandy_848 said:
oh, i thought it was clear: How many times have you takEN the mcat? (as in already completed it in the past - sorry for the confusion)

the question was just out of curiosity - i've heard people say that they would estimate that 50% of people that write the mcat do it at least twice so i was just wondering how it was for people on this forum.

I see...if we assume everyone in here is taking it we can see how many for the first time, etc. The logic escaped me the first time...maybe that's my problem on the MCAT :mad:
i only recently started posting..even though i've been on the site like hundreds of times before..didn't wanna say anything stupid..

RUSCREWED: you can always be a B-bus driver :D
if only more doctors were like you and would keep quiet when in doubt, instead of arrogantly (and often incorrectly) dismissing correct thought

NilamPatel said:
i only recently started posting..even though i've been on the site like hundreds of times before..didn't wanna say anything stupid..

RUSCREWED: you can always be a B-bus driver :D
RUscrewed said:
if only more doctors were like you and would keep quiet when in doubt, instead of arrogantly (and often incorrectly) dismissing correct thought

how about a poll that says: "for all of you in med school and becomming docors, how many times did you take it?"

that would be more....inspiring?

p.s dont listen to that guy. so you take the mcat again and if you bomb the only alternative is bus driver?

think back to the sat. there were always snots who dropped thier sat score to anyone who would listen. "durr, im a good test taker, durrr." then you graduated, and no one cares about the sat. so you go into med school and drop the same line. then you graduate, and the only thing that matters is your boards, and if you graduated. etc. etc. sorry, but that response was not cool.

if you do well in this life, help others. if you are not doing well, someone should help you. dentists make more money that most doctors according to the WSJ. so you have to have some altruism in you do be a doc. and you should be learning it, on the road to becomming one.

sorry. that just wasn't cool.
mandy_848 said:
i think it's interesting how 120ish people have looked at this thread and only 25 voted :confused:

if you opened the thread, it takes a second to vote, why not do it???

Only those who are logged in can vote. Until 5 seconds ago, I could only view and not vote or reply. Thats likely the reason
77kelly77 said:
Only those who are logged in can vote. Until 5 seconds ago, I could only view and not vote or reply. Thats likely the reason

yeah i didn't realize that the difference between the number of views and the number of people that have viewed - the poll's completely out of curiousity so it really doesn't matter anyways :)