Potassium Products

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7+ Year Member
Oct 10, 2014
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There are so many potassium products out there. Is there a resource, other than orange book, that has concise, easy to access information on which products are interchangeable with others? Thank you.

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There are not that many solid oral dosage forms regularly used in retail.

K-tab comes in 8, 10, and 20 mEq (WM in my area uses the Zydus authorized generic)
Klor Con tabs come in 8 mEq and 10 mEq (haven't seen this since CVS)
Klor Con M tabs (microencapsulated) come in 10 mEq, 15 mEq and 20 mEq

Klor Con caps (microencapsulated) come in 8 mEq and 10 mEq (ex: Perrigo)
Micro K caps come in 8 mEq and 10 mEq (Zydus authorized generic)
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Doesn't it come in packets? I remember reading about Klor-Con packets in my studies for the PTCB. I feel like I saw them once or twice when I worked at my independent.
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Yes there are Klor Con packets
  • AB1 ER Tabs
    • These are the big fluffy looking ones. Can break these in half or crush them no problem.
  • AB2 ER Tabs
    • These are smaller and have a hard shell. Don't split them.
  • ER Capsules
  • Powder Packets
  • Oral Solution
    • Always stress to patients to DILUTE before drinking
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  • AB1 ER Tabs
    • These are the big fluffy looking ones. Can break these in half or crush them no problem.
  • AB2 ER Tabs
    • These are smaller and have a hard shell. Don't split them.
  • ER Capsules
  • Powder Packets
  • Oral Solution
    • Always stress to patients to DILUTE before drinking

Thank you! That makes sense. I find all the different potassiums, and diltiazems, and verapamils the most confusing part of retail.
I just do whatever diltiazem they had last time or else I'll get a 1 800 SHOP CVS
Thank you! That makes sense. I find all the different potassiums, and diltiazems, and verapamils the most confusing part of retail.

You're welcome :) . Diltiazem's are definitely the worst. IR Tabs, ER Tabs, 12h ER Caps, and I think 3 different kinds of 24h ER Caps.
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