Preparing for practice mcat

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Jun 19, 2008
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I am taking a free practice mcat offered by Kaplan in about a week and a half. I haven't started studying for the mcat yet (i'm not taking it for over a year), but I would like to prepare a little for the practice test. If you had about a 1.5 hours a day for a week and a half to study, how would you allocate your time?

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I am taking a free practice mcat offered by Kaplan in about a week and a half. I haven't started studying for the mcat yet (i'm not taking it for over a year), but I would like to prepare a little for the practice test. If you had about a 1.5 hours a day for a week and a half to study, how would you allocate your time?

It's a practice test. Why study? Also, practice tests are useless. There is a thread about it, search it out in the MCAT subforum.
First of all, I'm moving this thread to the MCAT forum, you'll get better responses there.

I am taking a free practice mcat offered by Kaplan in about a week and a half. I haven't started studying for the mcat yet (i'm not taking it for over a year), but I would like to prepare a little for the practice test. If you had about a 1.5 hours a day for a week and a half to study, how would you allocate your time?

If you are treating it as a true diagnostic, you really don't need to prepare. But you can always look over your Physics and General Chem equations to refresh your mind if you want. Quickly reviewing anything you had in your pre-reqs should be helpful.

It's a practice test. Why study? Also, practice tests are useless. There is a thread about it, search it out in the MCAT subforum.

Just to clarify, tiedyedog means that diagnostics are useless, not practice tests, in general. After doing hardcore content review, taking practice tests is essential, but before the content review, taking a test does nothing more than give you an idea of what score you are starting at. Most people increase those scores quite a bit after content review though.