"Preparing for the Marathon": resources for the new application cycle

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Oct 14, 2011
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We'll likely be reprinting the text of the article in a few weeks into the Premed forums, but I wanted to give people a chance to let me know if I'm missing any essential advice for those about to start the application process.

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I didn’t see anything in there about not applying to schools that will leave you $500,000+ in debt…

Big Hoss
Someone should put that in a comment to the article... 😉

(Waiting for med school COA calculations to get to that level before enough people think we're not scaremongering... )
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Waiting for med school COA calculations to get to that level before enough people think we're not scaremongering
Every once in a while there will be someone on the med forums complaining about their student loans. I’ll tell them to be grateful that they’re not at a dental school that will leave them $800,000 in debt. Invariably they’re blown away by the mess some future dentists are getting into.

Big Hoss

To answer the fundamental question of this article, the answer is a resounding yes! And, this was published over a decade ago. Have things gotten any better since?

Predents, you had better do your homework…

Big Hoss
Every once in a while there will be someone on the med forums complaining about their student loans. I’ll tell them to be grateful that they’re not at a dental school that will leave them $800,000 in debt. Invariably they’re blown away by the mess some future dentists are getting into.

Big Hoss
Spreading the good word…

Big Hoss
Spreading the good word…

Big Hoss
What do you say to the person pursuing a career as a dentist, and is only accepted at schools with 500,000+ loans? (They love the field, can't see themselves doing anything else, don't mind being poor but finding a meaningful life through the field etc.)
What do you say to the person pursuing a career as a dentist, and is only accepted at schools with 500,000+ loans?


They love the field, can't see themselves doing anything else, don't mind being poor but finding a meaningful life through the field etc.
At some point, this “passion” will turn into “just a job.” And, then what?

Big Hoss